Chapter 19

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'Damn, those eyes.' I thought shocked as I stared at the boy in front of me. 'I've never seen him before. Is he new?' I blinked a couple times to make sure I didn't hit my head to hard and was imagining him. 'Nope he's real.'

"Hey? Are you alright? I'm really sorry." I shook my head to clear it. "Here,Let me help you." I shook my head.

"No. You've done enough."

"Not on purpose." I heard him mutter. "Well at least let me help you up then." He held out his hand and at first I just stared at it like I've never seen one before.

"You see the concept is for you to take it and I'll pull you so your no longer on the ground." I glared at the boy before standing up by myself.

"Ugh! My dress!" I gasped as I saw the huge red stain on the velvet. "It's ruined! Oh Rose is gonna kill me."

"Oh, that's no biggie." I looked up glaring daggers at the boy.

"No BIGGIE!?" He shook his head.

"Nope it's velvet. Your in luck it was me who knocked you over." I scoffed.

"Oh really? How do you figure."

"You have cold water around here?" I pointed.

"Kitchen." Grabbing my arm he pulled me in the direction I pointed. "Let go of me!"

"Common, I'm just tryna help." I growled warningly at him.

"You hurt me my Alpha won't take kindly to you." I knew what a fucked up lie that was but I didn't know what else to do.

"I'll take my chances."

Soon we reached the kitchen. Pulling me over to the sink, he all of a sudden picked me up and placed me down on the counter. "Pushy aren't we?" I snickered.

"Only with the stubborn ones. Now where are the wash cloths?"

"What is wrong with you!?"

"Obviously, I can't find the wash cloths." I growled.

"No. Just what the heck are you doing?" He started looking through all different drawers, looking for what he needed.

"I don't know how to make this any clearer. I'm.. Trying.. To.. Help.. You." He said pronouncing each word. "Ahh here we go." He grabbed a white cloth and walked over to the sink and turned on the water.

"What's that for?"

"Your dress." He stated.

"My dress is ruined."

"It won't be as soon as you shut up and let me work my magic." My mouth dropped open.

'Did this psycho stranger just tell me to shut up!? What an asshole.'

As if he heard what I said his head snapped to look at me. "Now that wasn't very nice." He fake pouted then smirked. "Oh well." He shrugged. "Guess I'll have to let you off with that one. But no more calling me names." He rung out the cloth and walked over to me.

Standing in front of me he leaned down and gently pressed the damp cloth against the velvet top.


"What!?" He yelled looking shocked by my outburst.

"Watch where you put your hands buddy!" He rolled his eyes.

"Oh please ms. drama queen! I wasn't tryna grope you. I was just pressing this to the stained area. RELAX!" His voice shook me to the core.

"Your voice has power in it. Your an Alpha child?" I asked trying not to think of his hands near my breasts.

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