Chapter 12

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'Im about ready to ditch this backpack and make a run for it' I thought angrily to myself.

"I hate rain." I muttered. Where our pack lives it's so rare to even see one drop of rain. At the most we have 4-5 rainy days a year! We live in the land of the sun. But when the sun needs a break first it starts to drizzle but that means you have about 5 more minutes to find shelter before the downpour comes. It's drizzling right now and like I said 'I HATE THE RAIN!' Because my pack lives in a place that the sun usually always shines, it's a force of habit to not bring a jacket.

'It seems logical until today of course..' I thought sourly. I looked up at the sky to see clouds moving in and I quickly picked up the pace.

You all may be thinking.. 'Why is this girl walking anyways? Where's her car??' Simple. I don't have one. Everyone in the pack has a car (if they can drive) except us omegas. I mean I can't speak for the other omegas but some can't afford a car, or the Alpha denies their request for one. Me.. I just plain don't want one. Call me crazy but I don't want a car. I enjoy the exercise and the time to think to myself.

'I mean how else do I stay in great shape? I'm not allowed to train with the pack.' I chuckled at my inside comment.

Walking now gave me time to think of WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED BACK THERE?? Let's start with Lash.

I've known him ever since I was brought to this pack and accepted. I actually met Lash before Ariel. I remember it all so clearly.


Left on my own after the accepting ceremony I was brought to the pack house and allowed to explore on my own. I was running through the halls when I ran into something hard. A wall maybe? But Nope.. It was a boy close to my age. His brown hair and blue eyes looked so confused but they had a light in them that made me smile. "Hi, I'm Eve." I happily introduced myself. He smiled back at me but it was a taunting smile.

"Yes, I know who you are. My parents let me know everything." My smile faltered a little as I heard the word parents.

"Where are they??" I asked.

"Who, my parents?" He questioned. "Oh, they are finishing up a meeting. They are the Alpha & Luna of this pack. Well OUR pack now." He said with a bright smile. I could tell by his expression that he was proud of his parents. I couldn't help but smile back.

"Alpha & Luna huh? That's important but that would make you...?"

"The future Alpha of the pack. Cool right??"

He put his hands on his hips and stood with his feet apart. "What are you doing?" I asked giving him a look.

"Tryna act like my father. I'm gonna be the best Alpha ever!"

"Is the best Alpha ever supposed to look like superman wearing undies that are too tight?" I asked with a smirk. He gasped and covered his crotch.

"I do NOT!" He squealed embarrassed, and that started the wave of laughter.

"You soooo do!" I giggled at the expression on his face.

"Ahhh, NOO! Take that back!" He yelled.

"No." I stated crossing my arms in defiance.

"Yes. Take it back!" I rolled my eyes.

"Or what? Whatcha gonna do??" I taunted. He got that look in his eye that made me nervous but excited at the same time.

"Take it back or else..." I shrugged in response and pretended to zip and lock up my mouth. I threw the "key" away and stuck my tongue out at him. "I'll give you one last chance. Take it back, Eve." I shook my head no.. And then took off. He laughed and I could hear his quick footsteps after me.

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