Chapter 9

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'What the hell??' I thought to myself as I looked back and forth between my growling best friend and savior, and our Alpha who was holding the back of his head with clenched teeth. 'Did she actually chuck her water bottle at our Alpha??' I thought incredulously. 'And for me?' I chuckled at the thought. Not my best plan as the sound brought Alpha Grey's attention back onto me. 'Woopsie' I thought scared. "Can't we just all get along?" I asked boldly. When Alpha snarled a warning at me I backed down. 'Guess not.'

Instantly, Ariel was next to me and helped me up off the floor. Her eyes held complete concern and she gave me a once over. My cheek was burning but I tried not to flinch when her hand touched it. Apparently I didn't do a good job. Ariel growled to herself as she pushed me somewhat behind her and turned sharply to face Alpha Grey.

"What the HECK is going on here!?" She demanded an answer. Our Alpha had a shocked expression cause her outburst. Oh yea there is one more very special thing you need to know about my Alpha.

He's Ariel's father.

That's right people.. Ariel is the daughter of this monster. The man I hate the most in the world is the parent of my only friend in the world.

'OH THE IRONY!' I thought.

"Well?? I'm waiting!" Ariel snapped at him. Alpha Grey composed himself and glared at his daughter.

"Did you throw a water bottle at me?" He asked her trying to remain calm. He didn't act so harshly toward his kids I noticed.

"Maybe I did, and maybe I didn't." She said with a shrug. "Now back to my question.. Oh right.. WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON HERE!?" Her father glared at me and I shrunk behind my body guard who was still glaring at him. If looks could kill I would never have to deal with this guy again. It's sad that I actually smiled at the thought.

"Fine." Ariel snapped. She abruptly turned to me. Her eyes ablaze. "Eve, what happened? And I want the truth." Ohh, that look. THE look. The one that said its early don't f*ck with me. I sighed but kept my mouth shut.. Looked at the floor and shrugged. Ariel growled at me a little not liking that I wasn't participating. She faced her father who was rolling his eyes at my reaction. "So apparently," Ariel continued as I looked up. "Eve, here is just too nice to call you out on the jerk you are. So let's get to the point. If you ever TOUCH her again! You will have a price to pay for it!" She snarled baring her teeth at him.

For the first time I saw real fear in Alpha's eyes. 'Hey, can't blame him.' I thought smugly. 'An angry Ariel is something NO ONE wants to deal with.' Her father growled a warning at her.

"Let us not forget who is the adult here, Ariel." Alpha Grey said. "You may be my daughter, but I am still over you. You are not Beta of the pack yet and I am still the leader of this pack." He snarled.

'This guy really needs to get a hobby' I thought to myself and mentally giggled.

"Well then Mr. Big bad Alpha.. Tell me.. What do you think you were doing to one of your pack members?" Ariel asked her hands on her hips. Alpha sighed.

"I was clearly teaching this omega a lesson on not disrespecting her Alpha and leader." He stated. I scoffed out loud at that one.

"Really?" Ariel asked. "Cause to me it looked like you were gonna hit her." She gave me a glance and I nodded once. She then growled and stepped forward and got in her fathers face.

"You of all people know SHE wouldn't allow this to be." She snarled. Alpha Grey pushed her back, making her stumble slightly.

"Watch your mouth you brat!" He snarled at her. Even Ariel knew her limits, and she looked down in respect. "Be on your way and get this THING out of my house." With that he walked away and out of sight. Ariel didn't turn to face me.. She took deep breaths as she tried to calm her wolf down.

As werewolves once we shift at the age of 16 we get a little voice inside of our heads. This is our wolf. Kinda like a spirit but it's practically our second us. When we get angry our wolves take over and the wild instincts comes out. We can react harshly and that's where all the growling comes from. Our wolves. Now this is just what I've been told. I'm 15. Therefore I haven't shifted yet and I haven't met my wolf. Ariel is 2 years older but she shifted earlier than most wolves do. Being the Alphas child she has what we call Alpha blood in her. She's bigger than most female wolves, can run faster, train longer, shift quicker... Ahh you get the point.

I kept my eyes on my best friend. Being close to a someone when their wolf comes out can be dangerous and even deadly. I had to make sure I was ready to run if she exploded and shifts. Still breathing Ariel slowly turned to face me. Her eyes were closed but when she opened them her eyes were flashing black and back to her natural blue crystal clear eyes. I took a step back, her eyes said she was fighting for control with her wolf. She finally closed her eyes once more and then they were back to normal. Ariel breathed out a sigh of relief before she roughly grabbed my arm and dragged me all the way to her room on the second to top floor of the pack house.

Once there she pushed me inside and slammed the door after her.
'Clearly she's still angry, be a non trouble some friend for once and comfort her!' I thought.. So I tried my best. "Hey, Ariel.." She spun sharply and got in my face making me back up.


"I- I wasn't but.." She growled making me shut up.

"EXACTLY! You weren't thinking! Sometimes it seems like you NEVER THINK, Eve." She stopped and pinched her bridge of her nose trying to collect herself. That didn't stop me from whimpering at her tone. Ariel rarely snapped at me but I knew she was just frustrated and wanted to help. So I took no offense. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that." She said. I opened my arms and she smiled slightly before giving in and hugging me tightly. Our little make-up hug made her chuckle to herself. We broke apart and she was back to the Ariel I knew and loved so much.

"I'm sorry too." I told her honestly. It was partially my fault talking out of place. I knew the rules but I choose sometimes just not to follow them. She sighed and looked at me concerned.

"I just don't want to see you get hurt, Eve." She said as she walked over and sat down on her bed. "Please try to understand, he is hurting and he really is a good leader but when... When.." Her eyes starting to fill up with tears and I put a hand on her shoulder.

"No, Ariel don't say it... I understand." I faked a smile and nodded my head letting her know I was okay. She nodded back and got up. She started walking towards her bathroom when she turned back to me. I froze worried at what she was gonna say. "Now I'm gonna say this again, stay as far away from my father as you can." I nodded. "I can't protect you forever, Eve. Soon I'm gonna have a whole pack to look over and I can't always be there." Once again I nodded. She smiled at me and playfully scolded "Good, now stay out of trouble young lady." She said chuckling. I stood straight and gave her a military salute.

"Yes my future Beta," I said using my best man voice. She laughed and ruffled my hair as she pulled me into the bathroom to be pampered.

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