Chapter 6

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I woke up gasping. Sweat glistened on my forehead. I bolted upright just in time to be hit in the face with a pillow. "Ouch!" I yelled as my head hit the floor hard. "What the hell!?" I started to rant till I heard a small "OOPSIE...". I smiled to myself and looked up to see just who I knew it was.

My best friend Ariel. I chuckled to myself as I looked at her blushing face. Ariel doesn't swear... Ever. So she makes up these idiotic phrases to pitch in. Her favorite is oopsie.

"Ariel? What are you doing?? What was that for!?"

"Im SORRY; okay!?" She yelled over me. I lifted my eyebrow at her. "Okay, I tried to wake you but you wouldn't budge." I chuckled because yep... That sounded like me.

"So I sleep soundly..." I said in my defense. "That still doesn't explain the pillow to the face." She sighed.

"I kinda saw you were up a second too late." She said sheepishly. I glared at her.

"A second too late my ass." I grumbled as I ever so slowly got up to stretch. "Let's face it. I am just NOT a morning person." I half yawned out.

"ILL SAY!" Ariel exclaimed, waving her hand in her "yea yea" way. "Now get up!" She yelled with a smile startling me. "Better me get you up then someone else in the pack." I have to say though Ariel is my best friend; my only friend; she can be somewhat of a kill joy sometimes.

"Ugh, don't remind me." I mumbled. Wiping a hand over my face and rubbing my eyes groggily. I looked down to see her foot tapping. Something she does when she's irritated like when people move too slow. Ariel had her arms crossed. She looked like an mother scolding her child.

"I'm getting up! I'm getting up, I promise." She gave me a stern look that told me she wasn't in the mood to play games. Trust me Ariels very gentle. Or at least she tries very hard to be. But when she finally explodes it could start World War III.

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