Chapter 42

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"Your my mate."

"I'm pretty sure we just went over this." Lash grumbled coming around his desk and leaning against it. "Someone give the girl a prize."

"I will not be made the enemy here!" I yelled suddenly raging. Lash kept this from me. That's the reason he fled. He left because he couldn't face me. Because like usual I was not good enough. "I'm not the one who was ashamed!"

'Avery help me out here?' I thought at her.

'Sorry girlfriend. I just found out that your and partially my mate is my own son! That is beyond creepy and I think against the law.' She shouted exasperated. 'This is where I cross the line. Ewww!'

"I wasn't ashamed." He glared at me.

"Oh? And what is the word you'd use, huh?" I asked annoyed. "What would you call running away when you found out you were my mate? When you didn't tell me!"

"I'm surprised you didn't figure it out for yourself, Eve." He interrupted.

I growled and I watched his expression fall. He looked completely nervous and he should be. "Lash. How long have you known this?" I whispered softly.

"Since your shifting ceremony." He said simply. "It was kinda hard for me to miss."

"So you just left?"

"I had to. It kinda hit me a little hard and I had you passed out on the floor, my wolf screaming at me, and my family screaming at each other. I just... Had to get out of there." He ran a hand through his hair. "I'm sorry."

'Forgive him. He didn't mean to hurt you. He's your mate!' Avery shouted.

'You stay out of this! You didn't want a part and now you've got your wish.' I thought back and ignored her warning growls.

"Well?" I asked him.

"Well what?"

"What the hell does this mean!? I mean for us. We're mates and... What are we gonna do?"
I thought hard and remembered when Alpha Grey blew up in my face saying how me and Lash would never be together as long as he was alive and in charge. Did Lash tell his father before he even told me?

Lash sighed heavily and shook his head. "Eve, I don't wanna talk about this now." I growled but he ignored it. "This is not the time."

"How can you say that!? It's not gonna go away if you ignore it!"

"WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!?" He screamed walking till he was in front of me.

'He's not doing what I think he's doing is he!?' Avery hissed just as I thought the same thing.

"Your... Your rejecting me, aren't you." I whispered feeling my heart slow and was sure if he said yes that it would stop. He stayed quiet and refused to look at me. "Are you?" I prompted.

'Lash, baby you can't.. You can't do this to her.' Avery whimpered. I sniffled when I felt her sadness flow through me. I felt like I was gonna throw up.

He sighed and looked at me; his eyes were blazing trying to get a message across. "No, Eve no. I'm not rejecting you." He sighed again. "Not yet. At least... God, I feel so helpless."

"Helpless? You!? Don't make me laugh." I grumbled.

"I'm not rejecting you. But Eve even you have to know how crazy this is. How this is gonna go down."

"If your gonna reject me in the long run just do it now! Then I can get a head start on moving on and forgetting all about you!"

"I can't do that."

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