Chapter 13

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We very soon pulled into the school parking lot.

'Dreadful place in my life #2' I thought as I collected my bag.

I looked up to see Lash grabbing his things and Ariel checking her makeup in the mirror. We hadn't talked for the rest of the ride and for me it was quite uncomfortable to say anything now. So I just sighed and climbed out of the car with the twins close behind. I pretended to grab something out of my bag so they could go ahead without me. I slowly followed after them.

I watched them stride up towards the front door with confidence. As I got closer I saw the words BELLTOW HIGH SCHOOL and I slowed to a stop. Oh how I hated this place. I mean what kid doesn't hate school but I have a specific reason besides lots of work, and annoying teachers. I go to a school for wanderers. Humans would call us mythical creatures. Wanderers consist of: of course werewolves and lots of them, the bloodsuckers known as vampires, and half breeds.

~(Werewolves- half human, half wolf. Half breeds- half vampire, half werewolf or half human half vampire)~

Each group tends to keep to themselves. The rumors of vamps and wolves hating each other aren't rumors. Half breeds are kinda in the middle cause they don't really belong to a specific group. Our pack is the closest to the school but wolves and other wanderers come from all over to go to this school. So then they don't have to hide their existence from humans at other schools. We can be ourselves here. For me that's not a salvation, it's a nightmare. Here I am still considered the weak link. Mostly I'm not even considered a wolf at all. I'm a nobody.

The reason Lash and Ariel have no problem is cause they are an Alpha's offspring. No one would dare challenge them except maybe some other Alphas children. Plus being twins they are a formidable force, always having each other's back. I watched as they walked to the door side by side. They are 2 of the most popular wolves in this school. Ariel stopped when she heard her name being called. She smiled at the caller who just happened to be Emily. A wolf from another pack whom she befriended last year. Emily doesn't like me much. Ariel spoke to her brother quietly, I couldn't hear what she said, and then she made her way over to where Emily and some of the cheerleaders were gathering. Yes. We may be animals but we still have school spirit. Oh, get this. BELLTOW HIGH SCHOOL; Home of the Wanderers! That's our team! How original.

Lash plays on the school soccer team.

I waited for Lash to go inside so then I could follow but he stayed where he was. I sighed and realized I was gonna have to go around him if I wasn't gonna be late to homeroom. Muttering under my breath I made my way towards him. I made extra noise with my feet to let him know I was coming even though I knew he would be able to hear me anyways. Once I was almost there he stepped through the door and held it open for me. I waited to see if it was a trick or a joke or something.

'Whats he gonna do?? Wait till I'm half way through and then slam it??' I thought nervously.

He sighed and looked at me irritatedly. "Are you gonna stand there all day and waste my time, or are you gonna recognize a generous act and take it?" He prompted.

"No I was just.. I was- ahh never mind." I spluttered. I kept my head down as I walked past him. I saw him rolling his eyes as he followed me in. I punched in my I.D card and started for my locker. Our I.D cards have to be punched in everyday just to state that we are wanderers and not humans. We do that instead of attendance everyday. Getting to my locker I put down my bag and leaned my head against the cool metal to calm myself.

"Stuttering again? Really?? Nice one, Eve." I muttered. I thought I was alone now until I head a quiet "What are you doing?" right next to me. I looked up startled to see Lash smirking at me.

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