Chapter 37

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I screamed as their screams invaded my peaceful sleep. "What the??" I looked around and smiled when I saw Rose, Casey and Ryder, Hunter, Marcy and Dexter, and some other omegas like Kelsey and Katie (twin sisters), Lukas (the only boy omega in this pack), and Ginger (Lukas's mate). I smiled even bigger when I saw that Cortney had come along with the most surprising guests of all. Lash and his sister Ariel; who was standing right beside him smiling.

"SURPRISE!" Rose squealed as she walked over and gave me a one armed hug. Casey jumped up and down and clapped her hands happily.

"We have a very big big day planned for you! It's gonna be so much fun!" She said leaning against her mate. Inwardly I groaned but on the outside I smiled.

"I thought I told you... ALL of you." I said my eyes scanning the room; leaving out Ariel and her brother. "That I didn't need anything! I don't celebrate my birthdays." Rose glared at my lack of hospitality but Casey simply scoffed.

"Well we are celebrating anyways. So suck it up." She snapped making me laugh.

I tucked a frizzy strand of hair behind my ear and cleared my throat. "Okay; fine. Can I at least make myself more presentable?" I asked smirking at her. Rose chuckled before gesturing to the door.

"There's birthday breakfast waiting for everyone downstairs. Let's let this girl pull herself together." I growled at her embarrassed as I blushed.

Everyone soon were walking out the door and I before I could stop myself I called. "Ariel?" She stopped halfway through the door.

"Can I.. Talk to you for a minute?" I wanted to know why she was here.

'I thought she hated me.'

Ariel turned and her face impassively stared back at me. She shrugged and stepping back inside closed the door behind her. "You know..." She started. "Just a quick tip before your transformation. If you want your thoughts to be as secret as they should be? You may wanna keep your mind-link walls up." I didn't humor her.

"Well then since you heard now I don't have to say them out loud. Will you answer the question?" I saw a flash of hurt cross her eyes. When I looked at her now I saw my best friend. The one I grew up with and knew almost better than anyone. Then she smiled and it was impossible for me not to smile back.

"You don't think I could miss my best friends sweet 16 birthday!? Could you?" She made the quick steps towards me and pulled my into a hug which I met with the same intensity.

"Oh my god Ariel I've missed you." I said softly.

"I'm sorry." She mumbled. "I'm so so sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I mean the things I told people was meant to hurt you but it was only because..."

"You were hurt." I finished for her. "You don't have to explain it. I get it. I forgive you and I love you." I said meaning every word. "We've been like sisters since we were 11. Sisters fight."

Ariel sniffled and smiled brightly. "Alright. Enough with this boring sad chatter. Need some help as your mom put it? Pulling yourself together?" I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "It's a special day. My best friends transformation day! Let's go." I laughed happy that I had my best friend back by my side where she belonged.


I was all dressed up like a doll and for the first time I smiled when I looked at myself in the mirror. "You look beautiful, chicka." Ariel said as she finished the braid plait down my back. "Stunning." I shrugged.


She turned me around and carefully pulled out certain strands of hair around my face. It made it look like a fancy do. Ariel smiled proud of her work. I looked down at my appearance. The jeans fit me snuggly and looked good on my hips. The blue ruffled top was slightly short showing some midriff but only when it flowed. I wore the bracelet Hunter gave me around my wrist. I didn't know if Ariel noticed, but I didn't care. I never took it off. "Thanks for helping me."

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