Chapter 44 (part 1)

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"Honey, wake up." I groaned when I felt someone shaking me. "Eve, honey." I gasped as my eyes flew open to see Rose standing over me waving her hand in my face. "What are you doing down here, and what are you wearing?"

"Hmm?" I glanced down to see myself all dress and bare legs making me groan again. The clock told me I had an hour before school started. "I am down here because you looked all lonely on the couch by yourself." I sat up pulling the little pony tail out of my hair and running my hand through it. "I'm wearing this because I came home last night from a date with..." I looked up to see her look away with a sigh. "Lash." I shook my head seeing where this was going. "I'm sorry I won't do it again." I got up before she could say anything grabbed my phone and headed upstairs to my room.

Laying down on my bed I read the messages that were waiting for me.

Casey: so? How did the date with the Alpha go??

I rolled my eyes and ignored that one. I was not about to tell her about that over the phone. Next was from Hunter.

Hunter: we still on for today?

Eve: hell yea!

I sighed as I grabbed some clothes and went into the bathroom to get ready. Looking in the mirror I saw Avery looking back at me. "Avery, I don't think I could go through with this without you." I spoke out loud.

'I'm here. We're gonna do this together. Your going to make such a beautiful and powerful Luna. It's more about heart and you've got the biggest one I know.' I felt her laugh. 'Plus, you have me, an experienced Luna on your side! What could go wrong!?'

I shook my head. "I'm not going to answer that cause you know how long that list would be." Hopping into the shower I tried to wash away all the things that were bothering me. Lash was right. I was over thinking all of this and most of it was in my head. I may be an omega, but I had my rights. No matter what they might say it wouldn't change who my mate was, and with Lash on my side it might make this go smoother. After steeping out and grabbing a towel; wrapping it around myself; I walked out into my room to see a note on the desk.

There isn't much in the house right now and I have to go shopping today after school. I'll be home later, but if you wait up we could talk?

-your mom

I smiled seeing that she wanted to talk, but I was sad that she said she was working late. I planned on waiting up because this needed to stop between us. I was not gonna live in this house with my mother that I avoid and act like strangers.

'Wait, a minute? School?' Avery asked.

"What about it?"

'Eve, school? Lash? You two have homeroom together!'

"Oh shit." I'd forgotten that when I made the plans with Hunter. We were skipping the whole day and Lash was in my first class. If I didn't show up he would most definitely get worried and come find me. Wherever I was. Dammit. I would have to go. Quickly grabbing my phone and texted Lash before starting to stuff everything in my bag.

Eve: see you in homeroom?

Lash: I'm sorry no. I'm not coming to school today, I've got some business to attend to. A meeting to set up.

I smirks knowing he was talking about the meeting with the Beta's and discussing me being the Luna.

Eve: do you need me to be there with you?

Like that was even an option.

Lash: no Eve don't worry about it, trust me I've got this ;)
Just go to school and have a good day and I'll see you after?

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