Chapter 33

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The drive home was silent. Awkward. I would have wished anything to be walking instead. Of course the plaza is a lot farther than the school to the pack. It would take me 2 hours at my walking speed. I sighed as I leaned my head against the cool window. It had started to rain and I welcomed the small cool chill that swept over my body. Out of the corner of my eyes I noticed Hunter glancing at me every now and then. I wondered what he was thinking but wasn't brave enough to ask.

'I'm sure Ariel somewhere in there.'

I thought sourly. I felt the frown across my face deepen when I thought about the scene that was playing over and over in my head.

'She kissed him. Does that mean they're together?' I felt like growling at my thoughts. 'If so why didn't Ariel tell me!? Why has she been ignoring my calls!? She put her phone back in her pocket; which is probably what she's been doing with all of my texts.' I rolled my eyes at all the questions in my head.

The ones I seriously wanted answers too. I also realized that I wasn't angry at Hunter. I was more angry at Ariel, and possibly myself for stressing about this mate thing.

I hated my subconscious and was more than pissed at Casey and Rose for putting that stupid idea all in my head. I knew it was mostly me, but I felt like I had to blame someone.

'Mates?, yea right! What would Hunter Robins want with you!?' My subconscious mocked me now with its truthfulness.

Hunter was a beta's child. He may not be the highest rank but he certainly was much higher than me. I shouldn't be upset at all because it makes complete sense. Me and him just wouldn't do and what can't be fixed needs to be accepted. "A penny for you thoughts." Hunter said bringing me out of my reverie.


"Are you too cold?" He asked turning the heat up slightly. I simply smiled but kept looking at the window. I couldn't look at him in eyes. It hurt too much. "Are you okay? What's the matter?" I shook my head.

"No I'm fine." I sighed. "Guess I'm just tired."

He nodded and didn't pry. I looked over at Hunter. He looked very seriously composed as he drove. His muscular arms flexed as he re-gripped his hands. His eyes were focused on the road, but he kept sweeping his hair away from his eyes.

"I've never seen you so serious." I mumbled smiling slightly.

"There's a first for everything. Driving is one of the few things I take serious." I liked his answer. "Especially when I have someone like you in the car." I looked at him confused.

"Someone like me?"

He nodded. "An innocent, beautiful girl." I rolled my eyes at that.

"Stop." I said looking out the window. The rain started falling harder.

"It's been raining a lot lately." I shrugged.

"Guess so." Suddenly I remembered something. When Hunter had kissed me in the closet earlier today he said he did it cause he had to do it one last time.

'Did he mean because he was with Ariel now?' I couldn't understand this all.

Either that was the reason or Hunter was a player and I underestimated him. I sighed. I hoped it was the first one and not the ladder but if it was I didn't know how I felt about that.

"Eve." I heard him say and I gasped and looked at him.

'Please say my mind-link is off.' I thought embarrassed.

"Your like 10 miles away, what is it? I called your name like 3 times." I shook my head.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't hear. I just don't feel myself right now I guess."

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