Chapter 15

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"Ouch!" ....

'Noooo' I cringed as I saw my next victim go down. "Whoops, my bad. Again." I muttered to myself.

"Hey! Watch yourself, you b*tch!" Cortney yelled.

"Sorry." I said looking at the ground. Looking up I saw every girl in the game glaring at me, Ariel a mess laughing so hard tears coming out of her eyes, and coach's mouth open. She quickly composed herself though, and blew her whistle. Everyone cringed.

'Ugh, that thing is going down!' I heard Ariel's voice in my head.

I looked over and saw her glaring at coach's whistle. I shook my head at her behavior.

"Alright everyone, we're done for the day. Hit the showers or whatever." She sauntered off into her office. I quickly looked over at the boys. Lash stood there smirking at me. Shaking his head he walked towards his group of friends, but not before he winked at me.

Rolling my eyes I made my way over to one of the many water fountains in the gym. Wolves need to stay hydrated too. Taking big gulps, savoring the crisp taste going down my throat, I hadn't heard someone come up behind me.

"Sport technicalities?" I sighed.

'I can already hear the smirk in his voice.' I stood up straight and looked him in the eyes. 'Yep, there it is.'

"No Lash." He chuckled.

"Well technically speaking," He looked towards the volleyball court. "You should have hit that ball at least once over the net without injuring either yourself or someone else." I snorted.

"Well, technically Lash, I didn't ask for your opinion." I put a hand on my hip. He nodded.

"This is true, but that never stopped me before."

"Yes well, like you said earlier today we WERE friends once, but that was a long time ago." And with that I pushed passed him into the girls locker room. I weaved through all the girls, ignoring the snickers and the glares from everyone I hit in the head. Walking to my locker I kept my eyes forward. When I opened it a piece of paper fell out and I heard snickers and giggles behind me.

'I know imma regret looking at this, but here goes nothing.'

Unfolding it I saw is was a drawn picture. A picture of... Me and Ariel kissing and hugging! The words at the bottom stated that "the reason the future beta always stands up for the pup is cause they're gay mates." I couldn't help but gasp at the words. Everyone started cracking up and I felt my eyes start to betray me.

'Well, this is humiliating.' I sighed. 'But what's new?'

I growled and crumpled up the piece of paper and shoved it in my pocket. I didn't wanna risk it getting into the wrong hands.

'Like the ones who drew this.' I thought.

Brushing it off I started stripping. 'These clothes are too hot for wolves to wear! It's like being put in a oven!' I was never too into changing in front of people. Most girls have the beautiful bodies and the sexy undergarments. Not me... I'm normal. I was about to grab my other clothes when all of a sudden I was shoved to the floor. My head slammed into a locker before hitting the ground. Groaning I opened my eyes but everything was blurred.

"Having fun down there, pup?" Oh I'd know that voice anywhere.

'The queen b*tch of the school and my life.' I groaned as things cleared. Looking up I saw Lydia and her posse.

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