Chapter 25

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"Eve.".... "Eve.".... "EVE!" I groaned. "Eve, honey wake up! Please wake up your gonna be late!" I groaned again as I opened one eye to see Rose right over me.

"AHHHH!" I yelled surprised.

"Oh good." She smiled. "Your up."

"Am now." I mumbled. "What time is it?"

She growled lowly. "It's 5:30! Your gonna be late! Common now." She pulled my blankets off my body.


She clapped her hands. "UP UP UP!" I groaned but nodded and sat up.

"Why get up so early!?"

"The Alpha mind-linked me. He wishes to speak with you." Now she had my attention.

"Alpha Grey?" She shook her head.

"No. Alpha Lash." I rolled my eyes. "Hurry up get dressed! Get everything for school ready and I'll be downstairs. Hurry."

"Yes mother." I teased her and she playfully glared at me before walking out. I yawned and stretched before dragging myself out of bed. "I've said it once and I'll say it a million times, I'm NOT a morning person." I mumbled.

I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth, and then walked out feeling refreshed. Grabbing my brush I quickly untangled my hair.

'No tangles! New record!' I thought happily.

I put on light makeup. I was getting used to it now. Finishing my mascara, I ran to my closet and picked out my outfit.

"Eve, let's go! I'm not gonna tell you again!"

"Im coming!" I yelled back slipping on my favorite red converse. I quickly looked at myself in the mirror. My black high waisted shorts and my blue ruffled blouse top looked great together. I frowned as I looked at my hair. "Nope can't do it." I mumbled as I threw it up in a messy bun. I grabbed my necklace that Rose gave me and clipped it on and finally I was ready. "Done!" I sang as I ran down the stairs. I followed my nose into the kitchen to see Rose as usual at the stove. I smiled as I sat down and waited for her to notice me. She turned around and smiled at me.


"I said I was done!" I stuck my tongue out playfully at her and she did the same back.
One of the many things I love about Rosie. She still has a kids spirit and she's goofy. Then she placed a plate with like 10 pancakes on it in front of me. "Yes!" I yelled as I dug in.

"Oh, Eve!" She scolded. "Manners honey." I stopped a bite half way in my mouth.

"Sorry?" It came out like a question. She rolled her eyes before placing another plate down.

"Your eating this morning? You usually just have coffee."

She shook her head. "This isn't for me, dear."

"Then who is it..."

She gave me a look. "Who do you think?" I chuckled. Hunter. "I swear that boy eats here more than he does at his own house." I shrugged.

"Makes sense. Your food is far more superior." She laughed at that and poured her coffee. It had been two days since the couch incident with Hunter, and when we left with the friend status, after that we have been inseparable. "Why is he coming over here this morning?" I asked confused.

"I got called in earlier so I have to leave. Hunter is gonna drive you to school." I groaned.

'Again with this.' I thought annoyed.

"ROSIE! Again really I don't want a car! I don't want you to drive me, or Hunter for that matter." She glared at me. "I'm fine with walking. I always have been. That wasn't punishment, it was enjoyment." She sighed.

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