Chapter 38 (part 2)

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My eyes fluttered open and the only sound to be heard was my own raged breathing. My eyes squinted at the light shining too bright. As my eyes started to adjust I noticed I was on my own bed. I was at home. I carefully reached over trying to turn off my bedside lamp and I ended up touching something else. Turning my head I saw I had touched Hunter's leg. Hunter sat in a chair he'd pulled over next to my bedside. He was fast asleep snoring his head off making me smile in amusement. My head was throbbing so I reached over; careful not to wake him; and turned out the light before flopping back down and letting the darkness swallow me once more.


I woke up confused and disoriented.

'Where am I? What happened?' I asked myself.

I groaned. "Hey." I turned my head to see Hunter putting down a book. He hadn't moved from the chair. Smiling he pulled it closer and pulling my hand into his I saw his relief. "Hey princess. How do you feel?"

"Like I've been hit by a truck." I placed my hand over my throbbing forehead. Hunter chuckled and looked nervously towards the door.

"I'd better tell Rosie that your awake." He started to get up but I stopped him.

"Wait!" I called trying to sit up but struggling to do the simple task.

He noticed and helped me lifting my body up a bit and laying me gently back against the pillows. "Don't strain yourself. You shouldn't move to much."

"How long was I out?" I asked ignoring that.

Hunter sighed and sat down. "I know you must have questions."

"Tons." I said.

"I really think it would be better if Rose and Alpha Lash were here." He looked towards the door.

"Wait, they're here?"

He nodded. "Didn't you notice all the small gifts?" He gestured to the room. Just then I did notice the small balloons and cards on the desk. A small teddy bear; holding a heart that said "get well soon!"

I turned back to Hunter needing answers. "Hunter. Answer me. How long was I out?"

"A few days." He said gently. "Don't worry though. Your perfectly fine." I growled upset he was lying to me.

'I can tell when he's lying to me. Why would he lie?' I thought annoyed.

"FINE?" I snarled making him flinch. "Is fine your definition for me not remembering what the hell happened to me!?"

"Eve, Eve please calm down!" He pleaded placing a hand on my shoulder but I shrugged it off. He sighed and stood up. "You want answers. I get it. Fine, but I'm going to go get the Alpha and your mother. They can explain better than I can." He gave me a sad look but I refused to acknowledge it. Walking out and closing the door softly behind him I growled. I grunted as I threw a pillow at the door in anger.

I knew I was acting like a total spoiled brat but I wanted to know what happened and why Hunter was sparing me. I tried to listen and was surprised when I could easily hear the muffled voices. Most likely at the bottom of the stairs. I could quite hear what they were saying but I did hear Rose tell someone to make it quick. 'Make what quick?' I wondered. As I heard the footsteps coming up the stairs I rolled my eyes sat up straight; waiting.

In walked Rose and Lash. "Where's Hunter?" I asked.

"He decided to go home to be with his family. Casey was worried about you and he went home to tell her you've woken." Rose said gently.

I glared not wanting to waste time. "I wanna know what happened to me." I snapped. Rose looked shocked at the clipping tone I'd used but something inside didn't give me time to care. I was looking between the two of them feeling lost and cornered. "What happened?" Rose gave Lash a worried look then glanced back to me.

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