Chapter 30

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Hunter told me that he was going to be at school on Monday. However this wasn't the case. He was absent for all Monday-Wednesday. 3 whole days and no calls or texts or notes. He was just not around. During these 3 days me and Casey seemed to get closer and closer. She was someone I knew I could count on and I seemed to be talking to her about anything. Ariel hadn't been in school either. When I asked her brother he said that she left the territory to go visit their sick cousin. I missed her but at least I wasn't totally alone with Casey. I enjoyed her company and she made me feel calmer. More secure. I didn't know why but I wasn't going to complain.

It was Thursday and I walked through the halls with my new phone in my hand and my earphones in. Rose got me a new phone because my other one was ruined from the heavy rain. Casey helped me download music and I was so grateful cause the songs helped me get through the day. I walked to my status class. The class taught us about our places as either Alpha, Beta, Pack member, or omega children. Teaches us our basic duties and how to treat people either above or below our station with the best respect.

'Not that anyone takes these instructions to heart.' I thought sitting down in my regular seat in the back of the class.

I was getting my books out of my bag when my phone vibrated against my desk. Some of the wanderers who where in the classroom with me turned to glare.

'Mind your own business.' I thought annoyed as I checked my phone. It was a message from Casey.

Casey: hey!! What class you in?

Eve: status class. We still having lunch together right?

Casey: yes! Can we sit with Ryder at the table we first met?

Eve: course we can. Meet outside the cafe?

Casey: it's a date ;) heehee jk! See you then

I smiled and chuckled at her childish behavior. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Even though I was pissed at Hunter for not keeping his promise of showing, I was a little relieved cause I didn't know if I was ready to face him quite yet. After the weekend with Casey, where she mentioned that Hunter could be my souls mate!, I had been planning on avoiding him. I didn't know what to do with this information. Rose said the exact same thing when I got home and told her what Casey predicted and what happened between me and Hunter in the woods. She said its normal for mates to feel a physical tingle. It would be dull as I hadn't turned 16 yet. Once I did the tingles would get stronger and the pull would bring us together. That's IF Casey's assumption was right. 'Do I want it to be right?' I thought.

This question I had been asking myself over and over and I still didn't know the answer. I needed to know more about this mate business. Just as the bell rang I sent another txt to Casey telling her we needed to talk.


I smiled as I hugged Casey when I reached her outside the cafeteria. "Hey!" She squealed. "I thought my last class would never end. Like who wants to learn about ballroom dancing." I laughed as she made a weird face.

"I'm just happy for food. I'm starved." We walked in side by side and as we waited on line my eyes scanned the cafeteria.

"He's not here." Casey mumbled beside me glancing at me. "He mind-linked Ryder that he was home, but not coming to school today." I was surprised that he didn't mind-link me to tell me whatever huge excuse he had cooked up.

"Well at least he's home."

Casey smiled to herself as she grabbed a salad. "Hunter. What am I gonna do with that boy." She mumbled. I grabbed a full plate of chicken, fries, and some chips with a smoothie.

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