Chapter 31

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A/n: key*
Bold: is a text message (from now on! Unless said otherwise)

"Umm, could you excuse me for a minute?" I said as both the guys looked at me. I sped walked back to the locker room and after fumbling to open my gym locker, I grabbed my phone. I dialed Casey's number. "Please pickup, please pickup, please pickup." I begged. Finally I heard her voice.

"Normally I would scold you for calling during class, but you got me out of making an oral report. So thanks." I growled.

"No time, I've got bigger problems." I heard her sigh.

"So I'm guessing you've seen Hunter already."


"Don't freak, don't yell at me!" She said while I was freaking out.

"What is he doing here!? I thought you said he wasn't coming into school today!?" I heard her sigh and a door close.

"I'm in the bathroom. Now I know what I said and everything. Remember how Ryder left without his phone. I had it and when I got into my English class, Hunt texted Ryder's phone and said he was coming in." I growled into the phone.

"Why didn't you TELL ME!!!!?"

"BECAUSEEE! I was in CLASS!!!"

I hung up on her. Walking to the sinks I placed my phone down on the counter. Splashing my face with water I tried to take deep breaths and figure out what to do. When my phone vibrated I saw it was a text.

Casey: I forgive you for hanging up. Look don't freak. Everything's going to be fine. All you have to do is get through fitness.

"I'll never make it to the end of fitness class." I mumbled leaning on the counter for support. "Be strong. You can do this. Fake smiles." I smiled widely. "Let's do this." After putting my phone away, walking out of the locker room and into the gym I looked around for my newly appointed partners. I saw Hunter by the bleachers, he seemed to be talking to himself.

'Most likely mind-link.' I thought.

I looked around for Lash and saw he was standing right near the boys locker room door. When he saw me and we made eye contact he visibly sighed walking over. Pulling my shoulders back and trying to look confident I gave him a reassuring smile. "Hey." I said.

"Hey, are you alright? Thanks by the way leaving me to deal with Robins." He looked over his shoulder at Hunter in the corner. "It definitely could have gone better." I nodded.

"Yea, I'm sorry about that. I just had something I remembered I had to take care of." I knew he was waiting for a bigger explanation but I pretended I didn't notice.

"Fine. Don't answer."

"LETS GO LADIES! Laps first! Get running!?"

I gestured to the groups that were starting to jog the gym in circles. "Shall we?"

"Actual ladies first." He answered. I laughed but stopped short when I heard Hunter's voice.

"Let's do this."

When wolves run we always follow the one that has the most power. So it wasn't a surprise when Lash nodded and took off first, me and Hunter jogging close behind. As we ran I tried to not even glance at Hunter beside me. Not to much success.

"I know your pissed at me." He said. I cleared my throat and stayed quiet, staring straight ahead. "Seriously though, I'm sorry." I didn't answer but in my mind I pictured tripping him and then stepping on his head. "Are you gonna sulk all day?" No response. "This silence is deafening."

Didn't see HER comingWhere stories live. Discover now