Chapter 3

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This is what I remember...

Jayne, my parents, and I were just having fun. Like any normal day in the sun. We were in the field behind our house playing my favorite game. Tackle capture the flag (I'm pretty sure the name explains itself). Just like football, the rules are a little different, plus girls can play. I'm the tom-boy in my family and I love outside sports while Jayne is the princess.

Back to the flashback!

I had just stolen the flag back from tackling Jayne... My sister was whining, my mother laughing, when we heard my mother gasp and my father snarl loudly.

I couldn't see the threat but my parents ordered us to run. My father shifted into his all black wolf and ran into the woods. My mother scooped me up and placed me next to my sister.

"Just run; Jayne. You know what to do! Just run and don't look back." My mother had yelled before she ran after my father into the woods. The tail of my mothers beautiful wolf was the last thing I saw before my sister dragged me off. Leaving my parents...

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