Chapter 29

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When I was younger I once had a dream that I was on a boat sailing around the world to discover things about my past. I wanted to know more about where I had come from and tried to find answers. I felt like the boat was rocking and that the water was being very rough with me. It ended up that the "rocking boat" was Avery rocking me to sleep in a rocking chair. I'm sure that everyone has those dreams that seem so real that when they wake up they could swear it was. Depending on wether it was good or bad did they want that dream to actually exist.

'I seem to be having a dream right now.' I thought as I slowly opened my eyes and looked up to see Lash above me.

My body was swaying back and forth and I was wondering why Lash was on the boat with me this time. Taking a deep breath I realized the "rocking boat" this time was Lash walking. He was carrying me in his arms bridal style and his walking was swaying my body back and forth. Groaning I leaned more against him.

"Ugh, what happened. Am I dreaming?"

Lash looked down at me in his arms and smiled. "Thank goodness your okay." I blinked a couple times again and now noticed it was raining.

"What happened exactly?" I asked.

"You tell me. One minute you were at the pack house helping me, and the next you disappeared."

I remembered. What I didn't get was how or why I passed out. "Tell me what happened? I'm still a little fuzzy on the details thing." I felt him chuckle and he tightened his hold on me.

"I'll tell you soon, but first I have to get you and myself checked over, get you home and meet Lydia at a party in only a half hours time." I rolled my eyes at his explanation.

"Poor poor Alpha. He's late for an important date."

"An Alpha's work is just never done."

I scoffed. "Oh please, your talking to an omega! We are Alpha's personal slaves for life." He looked at me annoyed. "Your work would really never be done if the omegas didn't do half of it first." He glared but didn't answer. "Just saying."

"Well maybe you should stop talking and just relax. We will be at the pack doctor in 2 minutes. Think you can be quiet till then?" He snapped. I rolled my eyes at his behavior but did as he asked. I placed my hand on his shoulder for better support. "I'm not going to drop you." He stated as if reading my mind.

"Sure you're not."

Just then I heard feral growl and footsteps coming towards us. "What happened!? Is she hurt!?" I recognized Rose's voice mixed with worry and anger.

"I'm fine, mom."

Lash looked at me when I called her that with an eyebrow raised but I ignored him. "Nothing's wrong with me." I stated.

"Then why is Alpha Lash carrying you? I swear if you hurt her...!"

"Hang on I did nothing but find her." Lash defended.

"He's just... Well he..." I looked at him confused. "Yeah, why are you carrying me?" He glared as he carefully set me down on my own feet.

"I had to. You were either asleep or unconscious when I found you." He answered.

"When you found her? What do you mean?"

I walked over to Rose my legs aching from my actions. "Calm down mamma wolf."

She smiled. "I'm just glad your okay."

"As am I. She should actually get checked out by the pack doctor. Just in case. We were headed there now." He had both of our attention now.

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