Chapter 51 (part 2)

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"HUNTER! STOP! WAIT UP!" I called as I pushed my strength to run faster. I needed to reach him before he stepped over the border line. His face registered surprise when he saw me barreling towards him.


"WAIT!" I called. I was almost there and of course with my clumsiness I managed to snap the toe of my shoe on a tree root. "AHHH!" I squealed as I tripped, but hands shot out and caught me before I hit the ground. I gripped onto Hunter's strong arms as he lifted and steadied me. "Jeez, good catch." I breathed.

"You know. Do me a favor? Don't try out for track. They couldn't handle it." I couldn't help but laugh.

"Why should I worry when I have you there to catch me?" I asked.

'Your totally flirting right now. She's flirting folks.' Avery chuckled making me blush.

"Nah, I'm just making up for being the one who knocked you down when we met." He smirked. "Not that I would take that back."

"Believe it or not, me neither."

"I don't believe it. You were pretty pissed about that dress." He shook his head. He looked around us. We stood on the very edge of the territory. Two steps and we'd be over the territory line. Once over we would have to denounce The Lash Pack and we would be officially rouges. That quick and simple. I was relived to see he hadn't yet, and I eyed the blue duffel bag on the ground next to him.

"I see your ready to go." I swallowed wondering how he was gonna react to me going along.

'Who cares what he thinks. It's our choice.'

"Yea. Just said bye to the gang and now I'm off. Gotta find territory for myself." He shrugged.

"So you were gonna leave without saying goodbye to me?" I raised an eyebrow.

I was surprised when he actually nodded. Looking out over the non territory he sighed. "Yes. Too painful." I walked over and wrapped my arms around him I laid my head on his chest. Avery practically purred in content in my head. He held me tight and I felt him breath in my scent. I couldn't help but nuzzle up against him.

"Maybe it doesn't have to be." I murmured. Here goes nothing.

"What to you mean?" He whispered.

"Your not gonna miss me. Cause I'm coming with you." I stated sternly. I was hoping he wouldn't argue, but of course it wasn't that easy.

"What?" He snapped stepping back from me making me sigh. "Repeat what you just said cause what I thought you said was that your coming with me."

"That's exactly what I said." I put my hands on my hips and tried to look defiant. "I'm coming with you."

"You do know I'm leaving the territory right?" He asked like he was talking to a child.

"Yes." I gritted my teeth.

He sighed and exasperated ran a hand through his hair. "Eve..."

"No! Hunter, don't." I snapped and he frowned for a reason I didn't know. "This isn't your decision to make. It's mine."

"Eve." He stepped forward and put his hands on my arms. His green eyes blazed as he stared into mine. "You have no idea how much I would like for you to come with me," I smiled and he smirked and placed a finger on my lips making me frown. "But I can't let you." When I tried to speak he squeezed my lips together. "No. Eve, you have a life here. This is where you grew up and you have roots. What about Rose? Casey? She needs you. They both do. Ariel is your best friend. Going past this line means leaving all that behind and becoming a rouge which most wolves; even other rouges; don't like." He sighed. "I've lived this life all my life so it's nothing for me, but trust me. Just trust me. You don't want this."

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