Chapter 51 (part 1)

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"Are you out of your mind?!" I shouted as I stared up at the rain clouds that started rolling in. "Well your in my mind.. So that would mean I'm out of... Never mind. Leave? I've NEVER left the territory!"

'Well there is a first time for everything.'

"We would be rouges. Traitors and we would be killed if we place a foot in the wrong area. This is a horrible idea!"

'Says the girl that's sitting here about to be poured on and get pneumonia.'

"You can NOT be serious."

'But I am.' She stated. 'Think about it, Eve. There isn't anything here for us anymore. There never had been anything here for you except being Cinderella and being forced to listening to alter ego Alpha's that clearly don't care about anyone, but themselves.' She sighed. 'As much as I hate to admit it I know Grayson wasn't the same man as when I left you.'

"Where are you going with this?" I asked not wanting her to have to say anything else about her dead mate.

'I just can't help; but think that a lot of this; all what's happened is my fault.'

"Avery, you died. That's not your fault."

'I still could have let you get help. I regret that I gave up. I did. I gave up and because of that I hurt everyone close to me.' She sighed. 'Especially my kids. That includes you, darling. I loved you like one of my own pups. When I found you out in those woods; all alone; I knew I just had to stay with you. To take care of you. You were one of the best choices I ever made.'

I smiled thinking about how much I loved HER. How I felt when she saved me from the huge wolf. How it felt to no longer feel so... Alone. "I think that was the best moment of my life." I said as I thought about that moment. "Of course I don't really know anything that happens before I woke up in those woods."

'That's just it. Imagine what doing this could mean.' Avery said. 'We could find out. What happened when you didn't even know it was happening. Together.'

I thought about that possibility. To find out the answers to all the questions that were driving me crazy. I could find out why I dreamt about Jayne who is really Ava; or Lexi. How many names does that girl have!? Maybe I could fill in the blanks and just figure out what happened. I always wanted to know what would happen; what my life would have been like; if Avery hadn't found me. I wanted to know if my dreams meant something. With this "sight" of mine maybe it was a gift. Maybe I could also find out why I'm not shifting.

'You said it yourself. You couldn't live without Hunter. Could you?'

"No." I shook my head knowing it was true. "No. I can't."

'Then I think you can plainly see that the negatives outweigh the positives if we stay here. There are more possibilities for us out there. With him.' I was hesitant. 'You know you like him. Maybe this was just... Meant to be.'

"I still don't know. I mean I don't know anything about being a rouge."

'But Hunter does! He'd protect us. I know he will.' Avery sighed. 'I know this may seem selfish, but even if you don't want to do this; do it for me. I just can't stay here and watch what my family's become. I just can't.'



"Okay. I'll go. Besides Rose; Avery, you've been one of the only people that's simply loved me for being me. I'm so grateful for all the friends I have and a mother; no two mothers; who care about me and would do anything for me to be happy. I'm doing this for both of us. I want answers and you want out. Let's go find Hunter. Hopefully he hasn't left yet." I smiled when I finally came to a conclusion. "Man, this sight thing is actually kinda creepy."

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