Chapter 11

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Lash. Ariel's twin brother and future Alpha of the pack. Both at the age of 17, Ariel and Lash have always been inseparable and they had a bond that could never be broken. As they were growing up Lash loved to tease Ariel by calling her his little sister in front of me and all of his friends. Even though he was born only 4 minutes before her. That used to really get on her nerves and it became their little joke. "Hey, hey little sis." He said cheerfully as he walked in. When Lash was born he was given the honor of becoming the future Alpha when he came of age. He would inherit the title when he turned 18 and his birthday was only a couple weeks away. Only males could become Alpha of a pack and his mate would be his luna. (I'll get into mates later)

Ariel being his twin was very upset at this. Seeing that she would lose her power. She and her brother were equal power until he took the role of Alpha and she wanted to stay near him. So Lash appointed her to be his future Beta of the pack. A Beta is the second in command in the pack a took charge when the Alpha is gone. This arrangement made them both very happy. When Lash accepted his role as future Alpha his parents renamed our pack to The Lash Pack. They were so proud. Of both their kids.

Ariel smirked at her older brother. While we both said in unison "Twins, Lash, twins!" Lash shook his head and then froze. He looked up at me as if he just noticed I was there. He sighed and spoke to the floor.

"What's this omega doing here in the house?" He asked quietly and slowly.

"Well I..." I started but he looked up and cut me off.

"I wasn't speaking to you." He put emphasis on the last word. I bowed my head in respect. He almost had as much power as his father and I was already in enough trouble with him.

"That GIRL has a NAME, brother." Ariel said as she fluffed her hair in the mirror. "Or have you forgotten?" She said turning around with a smirk on her face. Lash glared at her.

"Of course I remember." He them turned to me. "Hello, Eve. I'm sorry that was rude of me." His eyes held apology and something else.

'Inner turmoil maybe?' I thought. "It's okay. I deserved it." He shook his head at my statement and slightly smiled at me.

"Yea yea he's forgiven now are we going to school or not!?" Ariel asked grabbing her purse.

"Yes, I was waiting for you to be ready already!" Lash yelled. "But there was something I needed to..."

"Well let's go already! Father already made me late." Ariel said growling when she came to the part of her father.

"Yes, that's actually what I wanted to talk to you ab..."

"COMMON! Your my ride, Lash!"

"Okay, Ariel, SIT!" Lash snarled at her frustrated. He used his alpha voice and Ariel froze from the power of it. Her face was shocked. Lash tried to never use his Alpha voice on his pack mates. He hated it. And Ariel was no exception but even Lash has a breaking point. Ariel glared at her brother as she took a seat on the edge of her bed. She patted next to her telling me to sit down so I did. Lash didn't seem to happy that I was still here but he didn't say anything.

"Okay first off," Ariel started. "I sat down because I wanted to and not cause you told me to. You have no right to use that tone with me. Cause FYI your not Alpha just yet, Lash. Now what is it you wanted to talk about."

"Dad." Is all he said back.

"Oh, that."

"Yes that! Ariel what the hell were you thinking!?" Lash yelled. She looked at the floor ashamed. "I'm in a good mood all ready to head to school, then I get a scolding on how your behavior is unacceptable."

"But I..." He cut her off.

"NO!, None of that! You need to start acting like a future beta would."

"I just don't see what's so bad, Lash. He's Alpha. He can take a little back talk." Lash sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. These 2 are so twins, they both do that when they're upset or frustrated.

"Did you REALLY chuck a water bottle at him, Ariel?"

"Yes." Ariel stated crossing her arms and she had the 'what you gonna do about it' look on her face. Challenging her brother now?

'Wow this girl has guts' I thought.

Lash growled. "I don't have time for this right now, but you WILL be punished later by either me or father himself. You take your pick." He said copying her and crossing his arms across his chest. She sighed and looked down at the floor tears threatening to spill. I gently put a hand on her leg to let her know I was there. She put her hand over mine and squeezed lightly.

"Look, Ariel I don't wanna fight with you. But your soon to be Beta and if your not gonna act like one I'm gonna be forced to give the title to someone more mature." He stated with concern on his face. "I'm sorry. But you have to remember that Father is the Alpha of this pack and that he deserves respect no matter what you think." Ariel just nodded at her brothers words. Lash growled. "Look at me." He commanded. I couldn't help but follow the order as well. Ariel murmured something under her breath and walked to the window keeping her back to us.

"What was that!?" Lash asked. Ariel turned and faced her twin.

"She would never allow this kind of abuse. If she were here.."

"BUT SHES NOT ARIEL! SHES NOT!" Ariel shrunk back at the venom in her brothers voice. I whimpered in fear and closed my eyes wishing to be invisible. "SHES NOT COMING BACK AND I DONT WANNA HEAR ANYMORE ABOUT IT!" Lash snarled. "AM I CLEAR?!" Ariel nodded. "Now after school you are gonna be apologizing to your Alpha, that's an order." He walked over to Ariel and gave her a stiff hug.

'Probably a silent apology for raising his voice' I thought.

"Umm Alpha Lash, Ariel really didn't do anything wrong. She was just protecting me from..." Lash swung around on me and snarled. He seemed to now remember I was in the room.

"I didn't ask for your input, omega. Leave us now and get to school before your late. NOW!" He snarled. He didn't have to tell me twice I was out of there like a bullet with the door hitting me on the way out. With my wolf hearing I heard Lash mutter "Good riddance, pup." And as I walked down the stairs I heard Ariel and Lash at it again.

'Ahh what's the day without some family drama.' I shrugged with a chuckle.

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