Chapter 4

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A "THUD!" brought me out of my sorrowful memory. I looked up towards the door and heard one more "THUD!". Then a "CRASH!" And I feared my mother's favorite vase had broke. Then suddenly everything went quiet. Too quiet. I didn't really know why but I slowly and carefully backed further away into the shadows, just in time to see my sister (in wolf form) crash through the doorway! She tumbled down the stairs and landed hard on the floor. She immediately was back on her feet.

Now; I had ALWAYS been jealous of Jayne's wolf. Because I haven't shifted yet every wolf I had ever seen made me look in awe and some what envy. Jayne; now standing on all fours; was a beautiful mix of colors. Mostly a nice tan brown color around her body, almost a sandy golden. Around her neck was a pretty "necklace" of lightly faded red. Then on the tip of her tail and ears was pure white. Like mother.

I mentally sighed while I looked at her. But the sound coming out of her throat; that lethal snarl; made me look at the threat who was slowly coming down the stairs. Everything happened so quickly. One minute there was a wolf there and the next my sister was in front of me; blocking my view. From my hiding place I peeked over my sister's broad shoulder to see a dark brown almost black wolf. This one looked like a Male; and maybe twice Jayne's size.

What really captured my attention was his eyes. And NO not because of a pretty color... Because of the look in them. Like a look to KILL! I was instantly scared and didn't know what to do. He started pacing.

Now I had seen my Father fight a couple times and I knew that this wolf wanted to circle Jayne. As my father put it "To look at your opponent from all angles" whatever that means!?

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