Chapter 40

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The rain poured down making my hair stick to the back of my neck. I swallowed hard as I looked around trying to find where I'd come from. I don't even know how I got out here but I saw the vamps run off. They scattered. Vamps are stubborn and don't scare easily. If they were scared I was most likely in huge trouble. The trees surrounding me made me feel so tiny as they loomed. The thunder, lightning, and rain made this feel like something out of a movie scene. Right before the crazy murderer decapitated the innocent girl with an ax.

'Avery, where the hell are we?' I thought but got no answer. 'Are you there?' I rubbed my arms up and down my arms trying to get warmer. Suddenly I felt so alone. She wasn't there.

I sighed and flinched when the thunder boomed yet again. "What am I gonna do now?"


I gasped and spun around to see Hunter and Lash standing side by side. They just stood there. Staring. "Wait what? Run?"

Lash nodded. "They're coming. You've got to go."


Just then the snarls came from behind me making me spin around. Slowly coming out of the woods shadows was about 30 wolves; their teeth bared. I gasped and I tried to back up but of course clumsy me ended up tripping over a tree root and falling on my ass. Wasn't long before Lash was helping me up and Hunter had shifted and was snarling at the approaching threat.

"The seekers." I breathed.

Lash yanked me behind his body shielding me. I held tightly into his strong muscled arm and realized he was tense and stiff. Something else was bothering him and when I glanced back at the wild army I realized what. Standing in front of the seekers was Alpha Grey. In human form he glared at the three of us; a terrifying growl ripping from his throat. His father was leading the army.

"Now you've proven yourself the traitor you've always been!" Lash seethed.

"You picked your pathetic little omega over the safety of your pack. I had to take matters into my own hands." Alpha Grey spat his eyes raging.

"Father, please. Stop this."

"It's already done."

Hunter snarled and all of a sudden was tackled to the ground by a huge seeker wolf. They snapped and tried to gain the upper hand. I was frozen and didn't know what to do.

"It's over son. The Lash Pack has fallen." Alpha Grey said his eyes softening. He looked so broken. So sad.

I watched as two seekers in human form walked so one was on either side of Alpha Grey. One grabbed his arms and the other twisted his neck snapping it instantly.

As he fell to a heap on the ground my eyes widened as I heard Avery screaming.

'Noooooooo!' I snarled in rage but I knew it wasn't me. 'No! Wake up! Stop! WAKE UP! EVE! Wake up.'


'Wake up!'

I shot up; gasping and covered in sweat. I glanced around my room feeling like a little girl searching for ghosts or the monster in my closet. I gulped and took deep breaths. Leaning back on my pillows I rubbed my hands up and down my arms feeling uncomfortable.

"Avery? Are you there?"

'Yes dear, I'm here.' Her voice sounded just as nervous as mine.

"Did you feel that one? What a weird dream."

'Dream? That was a nightmare if you ask me.' She whimpered and I shivered. 'My mate died. He died.'

"Not really Avery. It was just.. A dream." I didn't know who I was trying to console. Me or her. I shook my head and ran a hand through my tangled hair. I didn't understand. I've been having these kind of dreams ever since Hunter told me about his past. He'd scared me. I was worried about the seekers. Who exactly were they? Where was their pack located? Were they even real!? Maybe Hunter made the whole thing up. I doubted it but a girl could hope. Avery interrupted my thoughts.

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