Chapter 45

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"So what's with the the follower that's always on edge?" Ryder asked as he sat down beside his mate at our table outside. I sighed glancing at Rita who sat at another table not 20 ft. away from us.

"That's Rita. Twin to Ralph. She's pretending she can't hear us though she's hanging on to our every word. As if it isn't OBVIOUS!" I yelled looking over at her annoyed. She didn't even react. She just kept glancing around. "She and her brother are my new bodyguards. Lash's great plan to protect me from the pack and any other threat that comes along while he sorts out this future Alpha business." I rolled my eyes. "Just ignore her. I do."

"What do you mean sort out?" Casey asked raising an eyebrow. "Your his mate so your future Luna. Simple. These baby wanderers need to suck it up!"

Me and Ryder laughed as she grumbled to herself. "I don't know what to do with that boy anyways." I said. "Now I'm stuck with the R twins and they drive each other crazy just as much as me." I glanced at Rita and it was like she stayed super still but you could tell she was listening to everything around her. Her eyes searching the whole open campus. I groaned. "I hate it when she does that. Makes me feel like my neck is gonna be snapped any minute."

"Not funny." I gasped when I heard Rita growl. Rolling my eyes I went back to my fries.

"Well she does seem a bit intense; doesn't she?" Ryder said watching her.

"You have NO idea. This morning I wanted to go for a small run before school. So I got up early and was practically scolded for taking a step outside my own house without them. Their excuse? Alpha's orders." Casey giggled while I huffed. "I don't know if Rita has ever been in a school setting before. She practically jumped out of her skin and had me pinned behind her against the wall when she heard a locker slam." I sighed. "This is a school campus not a war ground."

"So what's the other twin like?" Casey asked leaning forward. Ryder growled under his breath. Mates, but now I could understand.

"Those two are the exact opposite. Now Ralph I like. He's charming, funny, takes nothing seriously, and he's valuable. Cause he's helping me find someone important." I shrugged. "Useful." I glanced at Casey and a smile spread across her face.

"Who you tryna find?" Ryder asked.

"Yes, I would like to know also." I froze when I heard Rita's voice right behind me.

"Kill joy." I grumbled as I turned around. "Can I help you?"

"As you so strategically pointed out; I can hear you over there. So who is this special someone my brother is helping you find?"
I glanced at my friends; pleading with them.

"Me and the Luna are trying to find someone very important to her." Casey butted in. She shrunk a bit under Rita's sharp gaze. "It's personal." I nodded before waving her off. Rita bowed her head before walking back to her "post". I sighed a breath of relief.

"Thank you." I mouthed but glanced nervously at Ryder.

"Oh don't worry about him. He wasn't listening cause he's to interested in his phone. Right babe?" She glanced at him whose eyes were on his phone screen.


"I rest my case." I laughed as I grabbed my bag.

"Casey? Can you help me with my computer project? A certain number needs to be decoded and I can't figure it out."

"Of course." The smirk on her face let me know she was on board with what was really going on.

After kissing her mate she got up and we walked side by side to the empty computer lab. Rita trailing silently behind us. Now it wasn't totally unheard of for future powerful mates to have bodyguards assigned to them. I'd see them following girls around and I used to think how awesome it would be. To have someone always there to talk to and protect you. As an omega it would have been my lifelong wish. Now I have the twins and only one will talk to me, and having them follow me around is bound to make me go insane.

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