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LASH's P.O.V :

"We've still been able to locate the scent of rouges on our eastern territory. We've confronted them and they've made no move to attack. Yet." My sister snapped as she went over the points on our pack to do list as she liked to call it. "We also need to notice that our female hunter's number is going down. A lot of them are settling down and having pups which puts them out of hunting for a while." She shrugged. "Can't forbid that, but we need to maybe think about sending out warriors to recruit some more females for the pack."

"You mean steal them from other packs." I said bored.

Her blue eyes softened. "Well it sounds so mean when you say it that way." She sighed. "Whatever, it's for the survival of the pack."

Now a days I wondered why I became Alpha and not her. She was born for the role and having her as my Beta was the best decision I ever made. Having her as my support and second in command meant she figured it all out and I just made the final decision and she was okay with that. I loved my sister more than anything. "Right the survival of the pack." I mumbled pretending I was listening.


"Well what?" I asked and she sighed.

"Are you gonna send warriors or not? Focus Lash!"

"Oh, right, sorry." I said giving her a sheepish smile and she frowned. "Warriors?" I pretended to think about it. "Why don't we just maybe train some of the omegas. Give them a higher purpose."

"Alright that's it!" Ariel yells as she slammed her notebook down on the table. She stood up and pointed a painted finger at me. "This is getting ridiculous! Lash, your Alpha and have a whole pack depending on you, and all you can think about is the omega that got away!"

"She was your best friend."

"Was." She snapped. "Lash, do you even hear yourself!? Give the omegas a higher purpose?! What purpose!? They can't do anything, but clean and set up parties."

"Which you could seriously use one." I said trying to lighten her up, but she just snarled. Walking over she placed her hands on my desk and leaned forward glaring daggers.

"Lash, omegas don't hunt. They aren't prepared or strong enough and we seriously don't have time to take warriors off duty to train them! Hunting is not an easy task! You'd be sending them out there with no training and most likely costing the pack much needed kills. Plus, if they happen to venture outside territory lines for food we risk them running into rouges, and they don't fight." She ran both hands through her hair exasperated. "You'd send innocent wolves to their deaths. You could be challenged for your position if you let that happen cause it makes you look weak!" She growled. "LASH! THINK!"

'I am thinking.' I thought. 'Thinking about how Eve could have left, who was she with, and where was she now?'

'You don't deserve to think about her.' My wolf snarled at me. 'She's no longer your concern. Leave her be! You've done enough.'

"Are you here to lead this pack or not?" Ariel asked putting a hand on her hip.

"Of course I am!" I snapped not liking the challenging tone in her voice.

"Well then act like it." She snarled before grabbing her stuff and started to storm out, but I called to her making her stop.

"What happened between you two?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You know what I'm talking about." I said standing up and walking over. I turned her around so she could look at me. "Eve and you."

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