Chapter Twenty-Eight

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A/N: oh my god, 5k! Laudbwnshwkfdkdvwfnjeusbs MIND BLOWN. Thank you soooo much x

Peppa's POV:

The next day we decided to go shopping. After yesterday, you could tell Zoe was much happier. I think telling us really made a difference.

It was a hot summers day and we planned to go to places like Harrods and Selfridges. We all got changed quickly, really excited. I wore a patterned tank top with distressed denim shorts, my lace Toms, a black fringe bag, a flower crown and some really cool sunglasses.

When I saw what Louise and Zoe were wearing, I slightly chuckled to myself. "Why are you laughing? Does this look bad?" Louise frowns, spinning around.

"No, no. It looks amazing. It's just funny how an outfit can describe the person you are." I reply.

"That's true." Zoe agrees, looking at what Louise was wearing.

She had on a pink polka-dot dress and plain pumps. She carried a pale beige handbag and a little blue bow was sitting in her pink dip-dyed hair.

"And yours Zoe!" Louise told Zoe, eyeing her outfit.

Zoe had on a plain white top with floral patterned leggings. She had bright yellow pumps and a brown satchel bag. Her cheeks were blushes nicely and her lips were a purpley-pink.

"Lets go!" Zoe announced, grabbing her satchel.

We all headed out of the hotel and we were walking down the street when my phone went off. I peered at the ID and saw 'Alfalfa.'
I opened the text and grew worried very quickly.

You can't just disappear without properly telling me! Come back home NOW. We need to chat.

Alfie was never like that! He always sent kisses and emojis. I felt really guilty and showed Zoe the text.

"Oh no." Zoe shakes her head.

"What is it?" Louise asks.

"We've got to go home." Zoe sighs.

"You can't let Alfie boss you around like that Zoe. Be strong." Louise advises.

"But I know what he's going to say." Zoe said in barely a whisper.

"What?" Louise and I ask at the same time.

"I think the Zalfie ship has sunk." Zoe starts crying in the middle of the street.

My heart sank to the bottom of my stomach. My parents were splitting up? My mind went crazy. Who would I stay with? Would I go back to the children's home. God, I hope not.

Trudging back to the car, I texted Alfie back.

We're coming home now x

I give him one kiss, just to keep it friendly and send the text.

"Well. The shopping trip went out the window, didn't it?" Louise sighs.

As we had already checked out, our bags were in the car so we drove off. The car journey was silence, all the way back to Brighton. No music, no chatting, nothing.

I was dreading what would happen when we got home, and as Louise pulled up outside our house, Alfie was already standing there. I looked to his right to see two suitcases and some bags. Where was he going?

"Why didn't you tell me you were going?" I expected his tone to be loud and scary, but it was quiet and soft. In a way this made it worse, scarier even.

"We- I, well, you were asleep- and well," I hung my head in shame.

"I'm sorry Alfie. I just needed to get away." Zoe tells him.

"Well, you could have told me." Alfie huffs, dragging his suitcase out of the drive.

"Where are you going?" Zoe runs after him and they disappear down the road.

I couldn't hear anything or see anything, but when Zoe returned, I knew what had happened. Alfie had left, broken up with Zoe and gone. I'd never have a dad. A proper dad that I loved like I loved Alfie.

I started sobbing alongside Zoe and Louise bought us inside and made tea. We saw Alfie had taken all his belongings which made us cry even more.

That night, I got into bed and pulled my covers up. "I'm all tucked up in bed guys." I say to myself, like Alfie would say.

Then, I get a text. 'Alfalfa.'

I love you Peppa. Don't ever forget that xxx 😌

I text back.

I love you too Alfalfa. Please come home 😞 xxx

I'm sorry. I can't. 😔 Xx

Why not? 🙏 Xx

I just can't right now Peps. Get some sleep now xx ❤

I turn off my phone and fall asleep, thinking of all the great times we've had.

This chapter was so hard to write because I don't want this to happen! Ahh!

QOTD: what's your favourite outfit from this chapter?

AOTD: probably Peppa's because I would wear that the most.

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