Chapter Eleven

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A/N: wow. I gained another 100 views. Thanks for 300! X

It had been quite a few days of missing school, and I was hopefully getting away with it. However, one Friday night, Alfie bought up the subject of school. Urgh.

"What do you want to do about school then Peopa?" he asked me.

"I'm not too sure." I answer him back.

"There's a really good one, Oakmore Academy, just around the corner. I used to go there myself."

Just then Zoe walks into the living room carrying a bowl of popcorn. "I agree. Oakmore is a great school Peppa. How about I ring them up?"

"Good idea." I nod and smile as Zoe grabs her phone. She dials the number and then waits.

After 10 minuets of chatting upstairs, she comes back into the living room. "You're starting Monday!" she smiles

Monday? That was only two days away!

"We'll have to get your uniform tomorrow. And I promise we will start decorating your room next weekend!" she chuckled.

That night I fell asleep on my King sized bed, thinking about school on Monday. It will never be the same without Keira, Ella, Eddie and Joe.

Monday morning: I woke up at 7am like usual and opened my eyes. Where was I? This wasn't- oh. I'm at Zoe and Alfie's. Not my old home with my parents.

I then start to think about them, which I promised myself not to do. I told myself to move on, but it's hard. The police still haven't found even a trace of what happened, where they are, which makes it 100 times worse. Without warning, a crowd of tears fill my face. I then started sobbing.

"Oh Peppa! Darling, what's wrong?" Zoe comes rushing in, giving me a huge hug.

"Just upset about my parents." I manage to say. Alfie then comes racing in, giving me a hug. To my surprise, he was dressed.

"It'll be okay, you're safe with us." Zoe rocked me back and forth which calmed me down a lot. "Probably nervous about today too, huh?" she guessed. And she was right. I was practically wearing myself with nerves.

"It'll be okay, you're a lovely girl. You'll make friends so quickly!" Alfie messes up my already messy hair "just one thing:" he tells me sternly "please don't tell anyone that we're your parents. We haven't told any viewers or anything yet, and we still need to talk about how we're going to do that..." he trails off.

"Don't worry, I won't. I wouldn't have anyway." I give Alfie a hug.

"Good." he rubs my back. "Now, get up! You've got a long day!" he picks me up from bed bridal style as I scream for him to put me down. He swings me around and around so the world was spinning around me and puts me down.

I stagger around, trying to find my way to the bathroom.

"This isn't funny, Alfie!" I yell as he throws his head back with laughter. Just in time, Zoe comes in again and directs me to the bathroom where I then shower.

After breakfast and packing my bag, Zoe drives me to school. I was really nervous. What if I didn't find any friends?

She parked about 5 minuets away and walks me towards the school, but not right by it. She was obviously very cautious about people seeing her.

"Good luck sweetheart." she kisses me on the forehead "I'll meet you after school right here okay?"

"Thank you!" I sling my backpack over my shoulder "I love you, mum!"

Oops. Was I meant to call her that?

"I love you too, daughter!" She laughs. Phew.

As I entered the school gates, a few people stared at me. I guess that's because I was 'the new kid.'

I walked half way across the courtyard and a beautiful girl suddenly catches my eye. She has long, brown, ombré hair which was blonde. Her eyes were a deep hazel and she wore gorgeous makeup: very natural but so gorgeous. Her ears were pierced twice with very cool earrings. She looked so interesting, so different. I was dying to get to know her.

She obviously caught me staring at her beauty because she came over to me "Hi! I'm Annika. Are you new here?"

"Hey, yeah I'm Peppa." I reply as casually as I could. I needed to make a good first impression.

"Shall I show you towards the office?" she gestures to a large building.

"Yes please!" I smile and she smiles back. I wish I looked like her. Instead, I'm stuck with blonde knotty hair and nothing interesting about my looks.

As we both enter the office, the bell rings and Annika has to go. She have me we number in case I needed her and walked to class.

I walked over to the front desk and explained who I was.

"Ahh, yes, Peppa. Ashlyn here is in your classes so will show you around."

I turn and see no one, but then look down a little to see another beautiful girl in a wheelchair. This school is going to make me so self-conscious!

She had big blue eyes like mine and dirty blonde hair. Her black and white thick glasses went well her with her quite tan skin. She looked very smart and a nice girl.

"I'm Ashlyn." she smiles, showing her pearly white teeth.

"Hi Ashlyn, I'm Peppa." I tell her.

"Lets go!" she wheeled herself off and I follow her to my first class.

The school is just like a maze, turnings everywhere. It's going to take me ages to find my way around!

At last we arrive at English, where I am sat next to Ashlyn, which I am pleased about.

As soon as work was set, Ashlyn started singing quietly as she described Hamlet. After 5 minuets I said to her "you're really good."

She blushed and argued with me that she wasn't.

"What are your interests?" I ask her.

"YouTube!" she blurts out. "Especially Zoe!"

I really wanted to tell her that Zoe was actually my mum. It was like I could completely trust her already, but I was good, and held back.

"Same!" I squeal and we talk about that for the rest of the lesson.

Thanks for the lovely comments and things guys. I really appreciate them. Ideas for characters are closed now though. I have my main two to be Peppa's friends x

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