Chapter Ten

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A/N: before I start, I just want to thank all of you who have voted and commented. Your comments make me so happy, I love them so much! I really appreciate them x

Oh! One last thing, if you want to suggest someone to be Peppa's new friend at her new school, then comment names and what they would look like and their personality. If not, I'll make up my own character! Thanks x

The next day, I woke up in my plain bedroom. Alfie said that he will decorate it and Zoe will help me furnish it over time. I'm really excited!

I'm going to go with a vintage floral theme with pinks and blues. I've seen that design on Tumblr and other places, so I thought I'd give it a go.

As soon as it was 9:00am, I turn on my phone and Skype Keira. We agreed on the phone last night to Skype at 9, so she should pick up. After only two rings, she picked up.

"Hi!" she yelled.

"Hi!" I yelled back.

"How are you? How is it?" she asks.

"It's amazing, but it would be even more amazing if you were here too!" I tell her. I'm so cheesy!

"I miss you already." She pouts.

Just as I was about I reply, Zoe called up the stairs "Peppa! Honey, I've invited a few friends round to meet you. Is that okay?"

I run to the top of the stairs where Zoe was shouting "Its fine. I can't wait to meet them!" I squeal with excitement.

"It's only Jim, Tan, Marcus and Niomi and Gabby today but I expect lots more people like Joe will want to meet you!"

They're all my favourite YouTubers!

Remembering Keira was on Skype, I wonder back to my room.

"Sorry, I've got to go. Some of Zoe's friends are coming round to meet me so I have to eat ready."

"Okay, I'll call you tonight?" Keira adds.

"Sure, does 8pm sound good?"

Keira nods and we end the call.

Just as I was about to strip off and jump into the shower, Zoe appeared at the door.

"We're going out to dinner as well, just to let you know." she smiles. Even with no makeup on and bed hair, she is still so beautiful.

After my relaxing shower, I struggle in my suitcase of what to wear. Realising I didn't have anything to wear that was suitable, I run down to Zoe in my towel.

"I have no suitable clothes! My clothes from yesterday are in the wash!" I panic, like it was a disaster, which it totally is.

For some reason, Zoe's face lights up and a do-you-know-what-I'm-thinking smile appears on her naked face.

"Emergency shopping trip!" She suddenly yells and races upstairs to get herself ready. "We'll have to be quick." she says as I watch her do her makeup, "they're all coming in an hour!"

After changing into a pair of jogging bottoms and an old t-shirt, we head to the car and drive to the shopping centre.

After a quick half-an-hour shop, we finally had an outfit for today. It was a coral pink white collared top, with light blue jeggings, cream Nike trainers and a plain grey handbag. I really liked it and Zoe did too.

"We'll have another shopping trip soon," Zoe informs me "that was just for today."

"Thank you for everything!" I say.

As we arrived home, we had 15 minuets until people started arriving. Zoe laid out some food downstairs while I got ready upstairs. Just as I was finished getting changed, I admired myself in the mirror: Zoe had such a great fashion sense.

Just as I thought that, she poked her head around the door.

"Want me to do your hair and makeup?" she asks kindly.

"Yes please!" She sat me down at he dressing table and did a milkmaid braid over the top of my head. She made my makeup look natural and really pretty. I had long, separated lashes and light pink lipgloss. She also buffed in some blusher to my cheeks. I was really happy with how it turned out.

Just as she smile "finished!" the doorbell rang. "You can answer it sweetheart. It'll be Marcus and Niomi. I'm just taking out the sausages from the oven."

I took a deep breath and opened the front door to reveal Marcus in a red Jack Wills tshirt with blak jeans and Niomi in a cute, dark green play suit.

"Hi!" Niomi waves.

"Hi!" I blush back.

"How are you?" Marcus gives me an unexpected hug.

"I'm fine, you?" I look up at him.

He nods and I lead them into the dining room where all the food was laid out neatly. Just as Marcus and Niomi greeted Zoe and Alfie, the doorbell rang. I ran to open it again to see a gorgeous looking Gabby.

"Gabby!" I squeal.

"Peppa!" she jokily squealed back, giving me a hug.

"I love your videos!" I tell her. I love Marcus and Niomi's too, but I forgot to tell them!

"Aww, thank you. I already love you!" I could tell Gabby and I were going to be close.

Before I could even show Gabby where the others were, Tanya and Jim appeared at the door too.

"Tanya! Jim!" I laugh; this was so unreal.

They both give me a hug and we all go into the kitchen to grab a drink. The adults had wine and I had Shlur in a wine glass so it looked like I had wine. Once everyone had a drink, Alfie announced "here's to Peppa!"

"Here's to Peppa!" Everyone repeats and I giggle, clinking my glass with everyone else's.

That night, we all went out to Pizza Express. In the restaurant, we all sat round a long table and ordered a pizza, drink and dessert each.

I sat next to Gabby durning dinner and we didn't stop talking. It was nothing specific, just everything.

Once everyone had gone home, Zoe, Alfie and I went home ourselves.

"You seem to get on well with Gabby." Alfie laughs.

"Yeah, we have a lot in common."

"She's a lovely girl." Zoe smiles, and finally, we arrive home.

I was so tired, but still managed to Skype Keira like I promised. I only manage 10 minuets before my eyes started closing on their own. Luckily, Keira noticed and said I should go to bed.

I fell asleep quickly, dreaming about my future life with yet another smile on my face.

Another update will come tonight guys xx

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