Chapter Three

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I woke up to an unusual smell in an unusual place. I heard screaming and running around from below me, and loud rock music next to me. Where was I?

"Oh! Peppa! Darling!" A big chubby woman dressed in all purple came waddling in and she threw her bingo-wings around my confused body.

"Erm..." I pushed her away; I had no clue who she was! "Where am I?" I question.

"You are now a resident in the Devon Children's Home!" she announces, like its the most normal thing to wake up in a children's home.

"But why?" I ask.

"Well, sweetie, your parents are gone, and they're not coming back. You needed somewhere nice and warm to stay in, so we bought you in with open arms!" she smiled dramatically.

"My parents aren't coming back? What about living with Keira? Or some other family members?" I blurt out.

"I think staying here would be better for you, dear. I'm Mrs Jefferies and I will be your social worker. I also live and run this place, so you'll get to know me!" she pats my knee and leaves the box-room.

I sat there in silence, taking it all in. I look around and see that all my things are in my new room, except my posters that usually would fill up the bare walls.

I then break down into floods of tears. I would never see my parents again, never have a normal life, always be lonely! I scream these words at the top of my lungs and didn't care whether the whole county could here. I needed to get it all out.

That evening, I was called down to dinner, but I ignored all the calls. Even though I was starving hungry, I stayed up in my bare room, watching Zoella to cheer me up.

At around 7:30pm, I heard kids come trooping up the stairs, obviously the younger ones going to bed. To my surprise, there was a gentle knock on my door as the noise calmed down. I ignored it again, but the knocker slowly opened the door.

To my astonishment, Connor opened the door, a wide tray in his hands carrying a bowl of pasta and a glass of juice. There was also a small glass of water with a red rose planted in it.

"Connor?!" I exclaim. What was Connor doing here? This is weird. I don't like it.

"Yeah, I live here too." He sighs, placing the tray on the end of my bed.

"Thank you." I smile at him and gesture to the tray.

"No problem. It'll take a little while to settle in; I don't expect you to come down to breakfast either, but I'll bring you some toast."

I thank him again and stare at the food. It didn't look too good, but I ate it anyways because I was so hungry. I hadn't eaten since being at Keira's! Oh, what about Keira?

I called her straight away.

"Peppa! Oh My God! Where did they take you? You passed out and I was really worried and..."

"Keira! Calm down! I'm fine. Well I'm not, but I'm in a children's home."


"I know. But Connor lives here!"

"What? How? Why? When?" Keira always wants to know everything.

"I have no clue, but he just bought me dinner up because I didn't eat with everyone else."

"Aww, that's cute." Keira cooed.

"I know!" I giggle.

"Are you coming out?"

"Of the closet?!" I joke.

"No! Of the home, silly!"

"I don't know. I hope so though. It seems horrid!"

"Well, I'll see you at school on Monday then?" Keira questions.

"Probably, unless I've moved school!"

"Have you?!" Keira worries.

"Probably not. I'm only like 10 minuets away from school. I can see out of my window now!"

"Well, okay then. Bye!" and she hangs up.

Sorry it's so short! Hopefully they will get better and more interesting. Thanks for reading!

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