Chapter Six

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As soon as I stepped in the home after school, I knew something was happening; something very exciting too.

The buzzing feel was all around and I couldn't help but smile even though I had no clue who was in the office.

I look through the blurred window to see the outline of Mrs Jefferies, a petite woman with a high pony tail and a tall man sitting next to the woman. It sounds weird, but I sort of recognise them.

"Oh Peppa!" Mrs Jefferies shouts from inside. She beckoned me in the office, and cautiously I open the door.

The two people turned around and my mouth fell to the floor. My hands flew towards my mouth and my eyes were so wide, it was hurting my face.

"Hi!" the woman chuckled. But she wasn't just any old woman, she was Zoella. She was Zoe Sugg.

"How are you?" the man asks. But, again, this wasn't any old man. This was PointlessBlog. He was Alfie Deyes.

"" is all I manage to say, and I say it over and over trying to make it sink in.

"I love you both so much!" I suddenly scream.

"Aww, thank you!" Zoe gushed, opening her arms to give me a hug. She was wearing thick, mulberry tights with a black and white play-suit. Over that, she had a black leather jacket. Her lips matched her tights and her eyes were a smokey grey.

"This is crazy!" I mutter to myself as I sat between them.

"So, Peppa. Zoe and Alfie here would like to take you out on a day trip tomorrow. They'd love to get to know you!" Mrs Jefferies smiled.

"You'd miss school!" Alfie adds hopefully.

"Yes! I would love to!" I smile. Why would I say no? It's a free day out with my idols!

"Okay, well we'll pick you up at 10:00am tomorrow if that's okay?" Zoe suggests.

I nod and give her and Alfie a big hug each. My dreams have just come true.

Woah. I've just realised. If Zoe and Alfie like me tomorrow, they might become my new parents. New parents. Oh.

I don't want new parents! However, it's Zalfie! How could I say no? It'll just be until my parents come back, right? Probably. I don't know what to think; I'm so confused!

"Keira! Keira!" I'm Skyping Keira about 20 minuets after Zoe and Alfie left.

"Hey!" she answers cheerfully.

"You'll never guess what just happened!" I tell her.


"Zoella and PointlessBlog might adopt me!"

She squeals "no way! Oh my god! Peppa, you're so lucky."

"I know! I've just met them and we're going out tomorrow so I won't be in school."

"Oh! I wish I could come." Keira smiles.

"I wish so too. If I did get adopted by them, you could come and visit!"

"But they live in Brighton..." Keira points out.

"Oh umm...maybe they're moving to Devon?" I suggest.

"Hopefully!" Keira nods.

After a couple of hours of chatting, we end the call and I get into bed with a huge grin on my face.

Tomorrow is going to be the best day of my life.

Hey guys! Thanks for reading! Lets get this to 100 reads before Chapter Seven! Remember to comment what you think and vote xx

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