Chapter Eight

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A/N: wow! I got over 50 reads in one day! Thanks guys! I hope you're enjoying this so far x

After the amazing walk, we all hopped back into the car and drove to the little cafe Zoe was talking about.

The talking didn't stop. There was no awkward moments and it was just so flowly...if that's a word!

It was about a 10 minuet drive to the cafe and once we got there, Zoe and Alfie got stopped by some viewers.

"Oh wow! Zoe! Alfie! We love you so much!" they all squealed. Each of them in turn had a hug and a picture and then left.

'That would've been me,' I think to myself 'except now I'm out for lunch with them!' I smile at my own thought.

"What are you smiling at, little one?" Alfie laughs.

"Oh," I laugh myself "just how amazing my life is right now."

We find a table outside, even though its January! Nala needs some fresh air, and there's a water bowl next to us.

"What would you like then darling?" Zoe asks.

"There's so much to choose from!" I search the menu and then find a sausage baguette.

The waiter comes over to our table to take our orders.

"I'll have toffee and fudge pancakes with the Oreo milkshake please." Zoe giggles. "I'm being naughty!" she whispers in my ear.

I laugh too and then place my order "Can I have the sausage baguette and a still lemonade please?" The waiter nods and then faces Alfie.

"Well..." Alfie starts "I'll have the chicken and mayo baguette with the strawberry milkshake. Also, I'll have the toffee fudge pancakes too with a side of fries and a small pasta dish please."

Zoe and I stare at him. "What?!" he laughs.

"Anything for the dog?" the waiter asks.

"What do you think Nala would like?" Zoe says. I look at the little dogs menu and quickly decide on 'Soft Centred Biscuits: Turkey Flavour.'

"Good choice. Nala's gonna love that, aren't you gorgeous?" Alfie strokes Nala's little head.

As the food arrives, we have to move the menu stands out of the way to fit all of Alfie's food on, plus mine and Zoe's! A few minuets after we all tuck in, I need to go to the toilet.

"Can I go to the toilet?" I ask.

"Of course!" Zoe points towards the little people signs and I head over.

Zoe's POV: (a/n: because why not?)

As Peppa walks off to the toilet, I turn to face Alfie.

"She's amazing." I say to him.

He finishes his mouth full and nods "perfect."

"We get on with her so well! I love her already!" I clap my hands.

"I agree. She's just what we were looking for."

"Alfie?" I ask.

"Yes?" Alfie looks up.

"I really want to adopt her." I look him straight in the eye "like, right now." I clench the table in amusement.

"So do do I. We have to be patient. All good things come to those who wait..."

Alfie had a point, we just needed to wait. Peppa was so beautiful, funny, easy going, and so much fun to be around. She was exactly the right age: nearly 13.

I know it's a challenge taking on a teenage girl, but I was up for it. Plus, then I'll have someone to talk to about makeup and fashion!

The only thing I saw her hesitate about all day was the subject of moving to Brighton. I love Brighton and I know Peppa would too. Her friends can come and visit any time they want, even though its quite a while away. I just hope the subject of that doesn't put her off.

She comes out of the bathroom, shaking her hands so they were dry. Her long, blonde hair reached her perfectly curved hips and her blue eyes shone like diamonds. She smiled at us, showing her lovely smile. I've seen her smile a lot. She seems to be enjoying it.

"Have you liked spending time with us?" I ask her, sort of knowing the answer.

"It's been, hands down, the best day of my life." she smiles again.

"Good." I laugh as we get into the car, all very full, especially Alfie.

When we arrived back at the children's home, I told Peppa to head up to her room so we could speak to Mrs Jefferies.

"How was it?" Mrs Jefferies asked as we sat on the office chairs.

"It was amazing," Alfie says "we'd really love to adopt her."

"You would?" Mrs Jefferies sounded surprised. "She's quite a handful. Very moody: hormonal." She clarifies. "what about a younger girl?"

Is this why teenage girls don't get adopted as much as children? Because the social worker puts them off?

"No!" I suddenly find myself declaring quite angrily "we want Peppa."

"Well, if you're sure..." Mrs J hands us over the adoption papers and within minuets, it was all filled in.

"Okay! All done." She smiles.

My moth shapes into one of the biggest smiles I have ever had. I turn to Alfie to see he looked exactly the same.

"You are both now official parents of Peppa."

I spring up and give Alfie a big hug.

"Peppa!" Alfie calls up the stairs. She gallops down. "Pack your things: we're adopting you!"

Without warning, she starts crying, there and then.

I rush over and give her a hug "shh, shh. It's okay." I tell her. "What's wrong?"

"I'm just so-so happy!" she wails, a smile on her face still.

"Me too." I whisper as I pull her into another hug. I let one of my own tears slide down my cheek to and Alfie comes to join the group hug.

"One big happy family!" Alfie yells, hugging us both even tighter.

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