Chapter Sixty-Two

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Before I start, please go over to sianspain1 and read her Adopted By o2l Fan-fic. She's one of my closest friends and she deserves more reads! It's a really good book! Go read it and cwd for a follow 😊
I was still sightly confused as to why we were in London, and what Alfie's determination was for.

"Where are we going?" I asked Alfie curiously as we stepped off the train in London Victoria.

"YouTube." Alfie replied.

"YouTube?" I frowned.

"The official offices in London." Alfie dragged me out of the station and down the street.

We kept walking for around 15 minuets in silence, except for my puffs as I wasn't used to walking that far.

Finally, we arrived at a big building with a huge sign saying 'YouTube' in its famous red and white font.

"I thought that YouTube was set in America?" I said.

"There's one in London too." Alfie replied bluntly, pushing the door open.

The woman behind the front desk smiled a toothy grin as we walked in.

"Alfie!" She stood up and shook his hand. "Nice to see you again."

"And Peppa!" She shook my hand too.

"Hello, Lucy." Alfie nodded.

YouTubers obviously came here often, so this Lucy woman must know a lot of them personally.

"How can I help you?" Lucy sat back down again.

"We need to speak to the comments officer right now." Alfie was very demanding.

"Erm, I'm afraid Mr Renolds is in a meeting now." Lucy stretched her mouth out awkwardly.

Alfie sighed deeply and tipped his head back forcefully. "Argh!" He moaned, scratching his head.

I decided to pull him to one side to chat to him. "What is wrong with you? What do you want from this place?!" I hissed angrily. I really didn't understand what he wanted.

"Peppa, I know who kandco is." He looked me in the eyes sharply.

"What?" My mouth dropped open. "Who is it? Why haven't you told us before? Why are we here if you know who it is?!"

"I need to make sure that it's defiantly who I think it is." He tells me. "Trust me. Please."

"I'm not sure Alfie, you can't go around accusing people. You think it's Mr Renolds?"

"What? No!" Alfie laughs. "He can trace to who it is."

"I thought you knew who it was?" I was very confused.

"Mr Renolds is available now." Lucy buts in.

"I do." Alfie sprints up the stairs, briefly thanking Lucy.

I follow him, and watch him turn corner after corner trying to find his office. Finally, I see him stop and smile at a door. He knocks twice and enters.

Walking into the brightly coloured office, I smile at Renolds and he smiles back.

"How can I help you today Mr Deyes?" He gestures for us to sit opposite us.

"Kandco. Please, I need you to trace them." Alfie pleads.

I frown at how desperate he sounds but then realise why. Mr Renolds holds out his hand and Alfie hands over paper bill after paper bill that were stuffed in his pockets.

"Alfie!" I suddenly shout. How can he be giving away this money?

"Peppa, shh." He finally stops handing them over. "Its private business that I'm not allowed to know. I could be arrested because I don't work for YouTube."

"Why are you doing it then?" I yell.

"Peppa, I can't have the two most important people being hurt that way again." He turns to me. "I hurt you both, a lot. By doing this, the comments will hopefully stop."

"Well if you know who it is..?" I frown again. I was very confused.

"I need to make sure." He sighs.

In the background, Mr Renolds is typing away on his computer before finally settling on something. He turned the monitor around to reveal a crackling picture of a person.

Alfie and I started at it, not able to work it out. But then suddenly, the picture cleared and the person behind those mean comments appeared on the screen.


Okay, so this might have been really predictable but oh well!

I'm not sure what the QOTD should be today, so there isn't one x

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