Chapter Thirty-Seven

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A/N: you can now follow me on Polyvore! (@judymchousty) It's where I make all my outfits for my stories. 

~Day 2 of 20~


The video Zoe and I uploaded went down really well. We got hundreds of thousands of likes and views. I think people were really excited to see Zoe again. There were so many comments saying how pleased everyone was.

Yay! I'm so glad you are back again!

You look so much healthier!

I'm glad therepy worked

Hope everything turns out alright in the end Zoe


Great video like always

So happy again

Zoe and I went through these comments, smiling at each one. When we reached the third page we saw another comment. It wasn't like all the rest though. It was from that 'kandco'.

kandco: oh god, youre back. well, youre only making things worse for yourself. i know that i broke you and alfie up...that was my intention. you should all just stop whatever youre doing because its a waste of time. and god, peppa is so ugly. 

We both stared at this comment for a while, taking it in. 

"Why do people want to upset us like that?" I ask Zoe sadly.

"Well," Zoe sighs and heds to the kitchen "people who have a very sad life. As my therepist said: be an onion, not a piece of paper."

"What is that meant to mean?" I laugh.

"Onions have layers!" Zoe says in her Scottish accent from Shrek. 

"What about cake? Everybody loves cake!" I joke, making my way upstairs. 

I love how Zoe dealed with that hate. Before she would've collapsed on a sobbing mess on the sofa and stayed there for the rest of the day. Now, she jokes about it, sees the positive side. That's why she's my idol. 


tiny chapter but I have to do this for 20 days. Theyre all gonna be pretty small I suppose. x

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