Chapter Thirteen

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A/N: before I start, what do you think about an 'Adopted By Narcus' (Marcus and Niomi) fanfic? There isn't many on Wattpad. I'd probably start it after this one ends. Thanks x

It was Sunday morning and everyone was getting excited for Connor and Joeys arrival tomorrow. Even Nala seemed spritely!

The video we filmed after school was being uploaded, which I was nervous about. What if they don't like me? How will my friends react at school when they know that I live here?

I was chilling on the sofa, watching some trashy TV when Alfie came in, his eyes wide staring at a letter.

"What is it?" I jump up and run over to him.

"It's about your parents." he barely even whispers.

"What does it say?" I want to know. He reads the letter out loud and Zoe comes and joins us.

Dear Mr Deyes and Miss Sugg,

We are writing to inform you on your adoptive daughter, Peppa's parents.
We have done a lot of investigating and hard work on this case; it's been a difficult one!
The conclusion we have come up with is that Peppa's parents were, in fact, kidnapped. They were bought to Africa to be kept as hostages and to do hard labour work. They were abused so badly and mistreated so unfortunately, they both sadly have passed away.
We hope you are still okay to take care of Peppa for as long as you need to; your work is appreciated.

Best Wishes,
Barry Dorran.

We all stand in silence, the sudden news hit us all like a brick. To my surprise, I didn't cry. I sort of knew they were dead anyway. Of course I was upset, broken too, but I was also very happy here with Zoe and Alfie.

"Are you okay Peps?" Zoe pulls me into a hug.

"I'm fine. I sort of knew that anyway." I snuggle into her and Alfie joins the hug.

"We will always, always, be here for you Peppa. Don't ever forget that." Alfie kissed me on the back on my head.

"I won't. Thank you so much for all you've done." I smile at my parents, who were still my idols, no matter what relation they had to me.

"That's okay sweetie. We still need to decorate your room though!" Zoe laughs.

Alfie laughs too "shall we order Dominoes?"

Zoe and I both nod our heads vigorously and Alfie goes off to order the pizza.

As we were waiting for the pizza to arrive, I went onto YouTube to see that the video had gone up. It already had hundred of thousands of views.

I scroll nervously down to the comments and let out a big sigh at the things people were saying:

-she's so cute! I'm so happy for you guys!

-she's lovely. I hope ur all happy together.

-I'm glad you guys are happy.

But there were also a few bad comments:

-wow. suddenly moved in together, got a dog and now a child. you guys want attention don't you?

-she's too confident

-ergh, look at her hair. so common

I was pleased to see that for every bad comment, there was about five good comments standing up for me.

"Do you want Keira to come around in the holidays?" Zoe smiles.

"Yes please!" I respond. I know it sounds horrible, but I had completely forgotten about Keira. We had Skyped a few times, but not like we promised.

I ran up to my room an Skyped her. She immediately picked up. To my surprise, she was caked in makeup which wasn't like Keira.

"Hi!" I wave happily.

"Hey." she replied bluntly back.

"How are you?" I ask.

"Okay, what about you?" she replies again. What's going on? Keira would probably be so excited and bubbly.

"Good thanks. How's school?" I try and keep the chat going.

"What are you asking so boring questions?" she rolls her eyes, picking at her nails.

"Urm, I'm sorry. What do you want to talk about?" I feel a bit hurt.

"Well, I got this amazing boyfriend. He is so F.I.T!" she giggles and I hear another giggle in the background.

This wasn't like Keira. She was never into boys: she never ever cared for them!

Suddenly, another girl appeared in view. She had loads of makeup on too and a very revealing top.

"What are you doing Lily?" Keira giggles again. But Keira never giggles, she has a hollow laugh.

"I'm finishing off our poster. I'm going to put it on Instagram afterwards." Lily answers.

"Okay, well I've got to go now. Bye." Keira then hangs up.

This really got to me. My best friend has gone. Changed. Different. I burst into hiccups of tears and sat there crying for a good 10 minuets.

After, I logged into Instagram to see what poster Keira's friend was talking about. I hadn't checked my Instagram for ages, so there were loads of comments and DM's saying how much people will miss me.

I clicked on Keria's profile and my eyes widened. There were tons of pictures of her in revealing tops, caked in makeup with the duck face. There is also a lot of her with 'Lily' who was obviously new to the school because of a selfie in a Science class. The caption broke my heart: with ma new bestie. love @lily_bruv05 xxxx

I clicked on Lily's profile that wasn't private and saw the poster she was talking about. It was filled to the brim with selfies and pictures of them both. In the middle was a big bubble saying: BFF!

I started crying all over again. Just as I heard someone coming up the stairs, I tried to stifle my sobs, but it was useless.

Zoe ran in "what's up gorgeous?" she tucked some hair behind my ears. All I had to do was show her the pictures and she understood. "Unfortunately, some people change," she hugs me "but its normally to reveal who they really are."

"She was so nice!" I hiccup.

"I know, I know." And Zoe rocks me back and forth. "Who else do you want round then?" she asks.

"Well, two people come to mind." I hopefully tell her.

"You can have the whole school round if you really want!" Zoe laughs.

"Two new friends from school, Ashlyn and Annika." I sniff.

"Sure! Invite them round when you want honey." she gives me another hug and then heads downstairs.

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