Chapter Fourteen

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A/N: thank you so much for 500 views!

We all had to get up really early to go to the airport to pick up Connor and Joey. I was so excited to meet them!

It was 4:00am and they landed at 4:20am. Zoe, Alfie and I all clambered into the car, all bleary eyed. As soon as we arrived at the airport, we headed straight to the arrivals. We searched for the plane from America and saw people piling out.

"Zoe! Alfie!" I turned my head to see Connor and Joey waving with their suitcases. We all waved back and they ran over, giving us a hug in turn.

"This must be Peppa!" Joey exclaims "I saw the video you did on the plane!"

"Haha, thank you." I smile.

"Can we do a collab?" Joey asks, his bright eyes shining.

"Wow, yes, of course!" I laughed at myself. I was shocked.

"Can we one too?" Connor twiddles his thumbs "Pleeeeease!" he begs in a high voice.

"Of course!" I reply.

We then drove home, talking about YouTube. Joey was saying how he had found this new YouTuber who he was really enjoying and Connor explained plans for upcoming videos.

"Hey! I have an idea!" Connor suddenly shouts, "What about Peppa starting her own channel?"

I thought about this for a little while, considering all the pros and cons.

"That would be cool!" Alfie says.

"It would actually!" I agree.

"What would you call yourself?" Zoe asks.

"Hmm..." I think about this hard "Peppa Pig!"

"Be proud of your flaws!" Joey says in his British accent "Even though your name isn't a flaw."

"Wouldn't that be copyright?" Connor recognises.

"Then I would have Peppa."

"Just Peppa?" Joey frowns.

"What else then?" I sigh.

"What about 'Salt and Peppa'." Connor suggests.

Everyone loves it. "You can get it set up later on and you can also use our equipment!" Zoe tells me.

"Thank you!" I hug the back of her seat.

Later on, Zoe and Connor help me set up my channel. Once it was all finished, Zoe, Connor, Alfie and Joey all tweet to go and subscribe. Within 10 minuets, I already had thousands of subscribers.

It was 11:00am and I was chilling on the sofa with Connor when Alfie runs in "Peppa! You've missed school!" He exclaims.

"Oops!" I jump up.

"Don't worry now sweetie." Zoe says. "There's no point now." I let out a deep sigh and return to watching TV.

Just then, Joey asks to do our collab and we go upstairs to film. It's so crazy filming with Joey Graceffa! It was so much fun though.

After filming, I receive a text from Keira. I open it, hoping for an apology from yesterday.

You're just using Zoe and Alfie to be a successful YouTuber. Well, I hope u get hate and don't succeed because you don't deserve it. You just moved away like that. don't worry though, I have a new best friend and she is much better than you ever were. little miss spoilt adopted by Zoe and Alfie! 'ooh, look at me, I'm the daughter of Zalfie and have loads of famous friends!' shut up. no one cares. your videos will be rubbish anyways.

I stare at the text in disbelief. She's obviously just a waste of my time. I go down to Zoe and show her what Keira wrote. Zoe frowned as she read the text, and then suddenly started typing away. Is she texting Keira back? She pressed one last button and handed my phone back to me.

"You shouldn't ever respond to texts like that, but I did. Don't take it down as a good example." She whispers. I look down at my phone and read the text Zoe sent:

If you have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all. You're just a waste of Peppa's time and she doesn't deserve a friend like you. Stop bothering her, it is none of your business. Unlike you, we hope you're successful and happy for the rest of your life because we're actually nice people.
-Zoe Sugg :)

I laugh out loud as I read the text.

"You know how to SLAY!" I joke and she laughs. "Thank you." I give her a hug.

"Only sticking up for my favourite one." she kisses my head.

Sorry it's really short and boring, but I wanted to update x.

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