Chapter Twenty

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Peppa's POV:

It was going to be my birthday in a few days, and Zoe and Alfie hasn't said anything about it. Not even a peep. In the end, I exited my plain bedroom (yes, still plain!) and down the stairs.

"Zoe?" I asked her as she was chopping up some potatoes.

"Yes sweetheart?" she answers back.

"It's my birthday in three days." I tell her, like she didn't know.

She hesitated and you could see she was thinking hard "Is it?" her eyes widened.

Did she really forget? Seriously?

"Yeah. The 18th?" I try and jog her memory.

"Well, we'll have to have a day shopping then hey?" she raises her shoulders sweetly.

"Okay." I slowly answer back before returning to my room.

She completely forgot about my birthday. I can't believe my own mother forgot about my birthday. Plus, it's a special birthday; I'm turning 13. She probably hasn't got me a present or anything. I would've liked Alyssa, Annika and Ashyln round, but that's obviously not going to happen.

I lay there, looking through my timeline on Twitter, sighing. I felt really upset.


Two days later, still nothing had been sorted about tomorrow. It was a Saturday tomorrow, so I didn't have school.

"So when are we going shopping tomorrow?" I ask Zoe at dinner.

"Err, maybe Tanya and Niomi could take you? I'm not feeling too good at the moment." she coughs loudly and clears her throat.

"Oh, okay then." I look down at my plate of spaghetti and it didn't look as appealing anymore.

I'm not sure Zoe wants to spend anytime with me. "Have I done something wrong?" I think out loud.

"What, of course not!" Zoe laughs.

"What makes you think that?" Alfie asks.

"Well, I dunno. You forget my birthday and then don't want to do anything for it..."

"I'm so sorry sweetie, I'm not feeling well so Tanya and Niomi will take you tomorrow okay?" Zoe smiles.

"Okay." I sigh, pretty disheartened.

I slump up to my room and get ready for bed. For some reason, I didn't feel to excited for tomorrow.

Zoe's POV:

I felt so so bad having to tell Peppa all this. Of course we hadn't forgot her birthday, of course I wanted to go shopping with her, but I had a party to arrange.

We were going to give her the presents we bought her in the morning, just before Tanya and Niomi were taking her out. They're going to buy her a really nice dress for tonight and treat her to lunch while Alfie, Jim, Marcus, Joe and Caspar all get the party sorted. Also, we hired some decorators to do a special surprise for when she comes back too...

Troye, Tyler, Joey, Connor, The Saccone-Jolys, Felix, Marzia and LOADS more other YouTubers were coming, plus all her friends. I have also arranged a special guest for the party too...

I wrapped all Peppa's presents up that night in peachy wrapping paper and blue ribbons. We had got her some pretty cool stuff.

Peppa's POV:

I woke up to the faint song of 'Happy Birthday' and sat up and rubbed my eyes. I saw Zoe and Alfie come in, both loaded with presents.

I gasp and smile broadly. "Wow!" I clap my hands.

They tell me to open my presents and I got some lovely things. Lots of clothes, fashion items, accessories and things for my bedroom.

"These are all so lovely! Thank you!" I hug them both in turn.

"Wait there, there's more!" she runs out of the room and comes back with two more presents.

I open the biggest first to reveal an Apple Air Laptop. "Oh my goodness!" My hands fly to my mouth.

Then I opened the last one, which was small and rectangular. I rip off the gorgeous wrapping paper to find an iPhone 6 Gold. "Oh wow!" I hug them again, thanking them a lot.

"When did you get all this?" I ask. I never saw them go out the house. They both tap their noses twice.

"Go and get ready now, Tan and Nims will be here soon!" Zoe says, leaving the room with Alfie.

I got ready quickly, and just in time because Tanya and Niomi appeared just as I slipped on my Converse.

"Ready?" Tanya asks. I nod and say goodbye to Zoe and Alfie. We head in Niomi's car, laughing singing and talking.

After about two hours of shopping with a MacDonalds in the middle, Tanya and Niomi bring me into a big, fancy looking shop that sold gorgeous dresses, shoes and accessories.

"We're going to buy you a gorgeous outfit!" they both tell me.

"Thank you so much!" I squeal and we take ages looking around.

Finally, we decide on a greenish/brown dress with gold roses flowing over the top on another piece of fabric. We chose some plain, beige flats and some gold rose earrings to match.

Afterwards, we went to the hairdressers to get my hair completely re-dyed. From white-blonde to dark brown and blonde ombré is a big change. We also bought some makeup bits.

I have no idea why they're buying me all this nice, fancy things, but I really applicate it.

When we were driving home, it was 6pm, and after getting back home, Niomi and Tanya told me to get changed into my new clothes to see what they looked like.

I started up the stairs, but suddenly they both stated waving at me "No, no no no. Get changed in the bathroom."

"Um, okay." I chuckle and changed. After I was done, I didn't look half bad. Okay actually.

My hair was the thing I loved the most; just past shoulder length with loose, blond curls. I can't believe I went with it, but Tanya and Niomi sort of persuaded me to.

After getting changed, Tanya did my makeup in the bathroom. Why didn't we just go upstairs. My eyes turned out really well and my lips were a nude pink, which I loved.

When I came out of the bathroom Niomi gasped "Peppa, you look amazing!" she pulled me into a hug.

"Why did you do my makeup to Tan?" I ask after thanking Nims.

Tanya shrugged casually and led me into the living room. It was dark and quiet, but I swear others were there with me.

I was just about to ask "Where's Zoe and Alfie?" But before I could..


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