Chapter Fifty

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~Day 15 of 20~
Omg, chapter 50 already! It's gone so fast!
A few days later, I was feeling completely back to normal.

It was a Saturday and we had nothing planned. Probably just to stay at home and do nothing!

"Doing anything today?" Zoe asks as I skip into the living room.

Just then I get a text:
Want to hang out? Meet you by Starbucks at 1:00 if you do :-) -Lucas x

"Actually," I quickly reply back to Lucas "I am. I'm heading into town with a friend." I tell Zoe.

"Okay, as long as you're back by 5!" Zoe goes into the kitchen to cook breakfast.

After breakfast, I get ready into a white tank top with a fringed cardigan and high waisted skinny jeans. I wore my black and whit Roche-Runs with frilly socks and considered myself done with the outfit.

I headed over to Starbucks to meet Lucas. As soon as I saw him I smiled and ran over.

"Hi!" He says.

"Hi!" I reply.

We walk off, peering in all the widows. It was nice hanging out with him, and I completely ignored what Alyssa had told me.

After about 10 minuets, I see a sight in front of me that I never wanted to see again.

QOTD: How to cure a sore throat? What do you do?
AOTD: Idk but it huuuurts 😩

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