Chapter Fourty-Seven

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~Day 12 of 20~


I stood there, really confused. Lucas, a heartbreaker? Well, I suppose he has that 'thing' about him. 

I sigh heavily. Just as I think I've found something that, you know, might work, it gets ruined. 

Walking to maths, I saw Lucas again. As classes had all been swicthed because it's a new year, he may be in some of them. He flashes me a smile, his perfectly straight, white teeth visable. He had a good smile. I blush and smile back, and then look shyly away because apparently boys like that. 

"Peppa!" Alyssa hisses at me.

"What?" I hiss back.

"Stay away!" 

I just roll my eyes. Just because it happened to her doesn't mean it will happen to me.

"Right," Mr Jadsby announces "everyone stand at the back of the room so I can assign you all seats." 

He goes down the register, telling people to sit here and there. Because Lucas' second name was at the beginning, he was sat down quickly at the back left hand corner. 

As Sugg was nearer the end, I had to wait quite a while to be seated. Mr Jadsby hesitated when he called my name, searching for a seat he thought would be OK. Finally he made a decision. "Peppa, please sit in the back left hand corner; next to Lucas."

This was so typical. I gathered my satchel together and sat next to him. "Hi." He smiles. That smile really kills me.

Suddenly, everything seemed to awkward between us since he gave me his number in the way he did. Although I only met him about an hour ago, I aready feel like we have a lot of history. 

I see Alyssa turn around and give me a dirty look. She really needs to mind her own business!


QOTD: whats the best prank you've ever pulled?

AOTD: (this was actually last thursday) I found this weird green squidgy thing on the floor by my feet in my maths classroom. My close friend then asked me if I had any gum, I said yes and when she wasn't looking, scraped the green thing up with my shoes. I gave it to her and said it was apple flavour. I signaled to my other friends that it wasnt gum and then my friend ate it. She started chewing it and we all were crying with laughter. She said "whats wrong" and I was like "thats not gum!" 

she went crazy, but she did find it funny. plus she insisted that it actually did taste like apples! P.S: I bought some real gum the next day and gave her some. lol 

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