Chapter Eighteen

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A/N: SURPRISE! I decided to keep writing this book guys! I felt really guilty leaving it on only Chapter Seventeen when other Adopted By Zoella books have like 60 chapters! I bet you weren't expecting that!
Thanks for reading, and Adopted By Narcus will still be going on in the background.
Thanks guys xx

Considering Alyssa still had isolation and was then suspended for two months, our friendship group is stronger than ever. We all have so much in common!

That night, I decided to film a YouTube video, Joey and Connor were leaving tomorrow and it's been great having them here even though I didn't see much of them. I wanted to do a collab with Joey, upload it and then do a collab with Connor and upload it another time.

"Zoe?" I call.

"Yes darling?" Zoe comes into my bedroom.

"Can you help me film?" Zoe's face lights up.

"Of course!" she claps her hands.

"Joey!" I yell.

"Yahh!" Joey yells back.

"Can we do a collab?" I ask.

He comes running up the stairs a huge grin on his face.

We end up filming a 'would you rather' video that turned out to be pretty funny.

After all the footage was done, Alfie helped me edit and once the video was complete, all I had to do was upload it.

"Oh! I can't!" I squeal "What if they hate it?"

"Of course they won't!" Connor tells me, and with that, he clicks 'upload'.







Oh God.

I patiently wait for feedback, and in no time, I was receiving tweets.

-loving @saltandpeppas new video!

-@saltandpeppas new video is so cool!

-@joeygraceffa and @saltandpeppa make a great collab today!

-watching @saltandpeppas first video over and over again. I'm in love!

-I hope there is many more to come @saltandpeppa . I love your video!

I replied to as many as I could, so glad that they liked it.

"Wow, people seem to love your video!" Alfie says. "50,000 views already!"

"Wow!" I whisper to myself.

"You're gonna be a great YouTuber. I can feel it." Zoe gives me a hug.

I do hope I am, because making that video and seeing the response makes me so happy!


Sorry it's short, I'm in a rush! xx

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