Chapter Two

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It was a Saturday, and I was going round Keira's for a sleepover with Ella. We do this a lot; stay up 'till 3am giggling and prank calling local supermarkets.

I was packing my bag with everything I needed: phone, laptop, pyjamas and clothes for the next day. I didn't bring any movies because we always watch YouTube instead! YouTube is much better by far.

"Bye mum!" I give her a kiss.

"Bye sweetheart! Have a lovely time. I love you!"

"I love you too!" I reply, and hop onto the bus.


Keira opened the door in her rabbit onsie and creepily smiles at me "welcome to my humble abode."

She points towards Ella who was tied to the banister of the stairs, muffling "help!" because she was gagged.

This was normal. I play along with the game "ahh! I'm so scared! Please don't hurt me evil bunny!" and we play this game for about half-an-hour, before finally getting hungry.

"I love how we're all nearly 13, yet we still play childish games like that!" Ella chucked.

As it was already 5:00pm, we all climbed up the stairs to Keira's bedroom. I set my things down on the lower bunk, which is basically a second bed to me. I sleep here at least twice a week!

Ella places her things next to a sleeping bag that was next to the bunks as she doesn't sleep here as often.

Ella and I both change into our onsies while Keira orders pizza. I have an owl and Ella has a wolf: the bunny, owl and wolf!

As soon as the double pepperoni, hot dog stuffed crust with extra mozzarella arrived, I pulled out my Apple laptop and opened YouTube. We all sat there and silently watching Alfie's 'best bits of 2014' laughing here and there. We also found that we were making the comment 'I remember that!" after every clip.

As soon as midnight approached, we all snuggled down into bed and chatted until 2:30am.

Ella got up to use the bathroom and Keira and I suddenly sprang to action. As we're best friends, we have this line that connects our brains so we both know what the other one is thinking.

"You get the cream, I'll get the towels." Keira whispers and with that, I tiptoed down the stairs and into the kitchen as fast as I could. I took out the bottle of whipped cream and shook it about a bit. Perfect.

The next thing I knew, I was spraying Ella's sleeping bag with whipped cream and Keira was giggling behind me. Once the damage was done, we both returned to our bunks, stifling fits of laughter.

Because the sleeping bags insides were white, the whipped cream was white and the room was pitch black, Ella wouldn't suspect a thing.

She strolled in, humming a happy tune. I buried my head in my pillow to silence my giggles. Then Ella sat in her sleeping bag.

"Eww!" she screamed. Keira and I burst into tears of laughter. Ella jumped up and flicked on the light. Her whole bum was covered in white, frothy cream.

"Who did this?" She declared.

"Both of us!" Keira yelled, picking up her pillow and jumping down from her bunk. She started whacking Ella with it, immediately sending feathers flying. I grabbed my pillow and joined in too, laughing so hard, it was almost impossible to breath!

After about 10 minuets of manic pillow fighting, we were all covered dramatically in white feathers. We all jumped into bed for the final time, chatted a little, but then fell fast asleep at 3:30am...

Next morning:

I was woken up by the sound of 'Peppa Pig, snort snort,' the Peppa Pig theme tune. I opened my eyes to find a bear-faced Keira with be hair.

"It's 7:30am!" I whine at her and Ella who was behind her, obviously just woken up.

"So? Come on lazy bones!" Keira pulled me out of my cosy bed and onto the floor, and then started a tickle fight. She won as always.

The rest of the morning was spent lazying around, mostly watching more YouTube.

It was one of the best sleepovers I had ever been to, but that was all about to change.

We all heard a knocking on the door at 9:00am. Keira's mum went to answer it and I heard a deep voice coming from the hallway.

"Peppa! Honey, it's for you!" I galloped down the stairs to see a burly policeman, dressed in all blue.

"I have some unfortunate news, Peppa." he tells me. What's happened? I immediately started worrying, but then remembered the advice Zoe had said on one of her videos, and calmed down instantly.

"What is it?" I ask timidly.

"Your parents are both missing."

There was a gasp from Keira's mum, Keira herself and Ella. The was an especially big one from me.

"Do you know where they are?" I try.

"Only that they have left the country. We also know it was a kidnapping crime."

My world turned dizzy and I suddenly fell to the floor, and I could only see black.

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