Chapter Five

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I open my blinds, bleary eyed on a Monday morning. School. Urgh.

As usual, I do my morning routine and then head downstairs for the very first time since I got here. As I appeared at the door of the kitchen, I saw half a dozen children sat at the table with some cereal. All their mouths gaped open.

"What?" I angrily say because they were all staring at me.

"The-the monsters risen from her cave!" a little blonde kid screamed sarcastically.

All the other children laughed at his ridiculous comment, apart from Connor.

"Hey! Jake! Calm it down. You didn't like it first when you came here did you? Settle down and let her be."

Connor was standing up for me? Well I suppose it was against what looked like a six year old, but still. Connor beckoned me over to him and poured me a bowl of Cornflakes with milk.

"Thanks." I mumble.

"That's okay!" Connor laughed. He says that a lot to me. "Do you want to walk to school with me?"

"Sure!" I smile, happy at the offer.

After breakfast, I packed my Jack Wills backpack with my things and head out the door with Connor.

As we neared the school, I heard the familiar laugh of Alisha. I'm not enemies with Alisha, I don't even think she knows me, but she likes Connor and Connor likes her so I guess I feel a bit funny around her.

We walked into the school gates and into the crowd of people. As we were just walking past History, Alisha beckoned Connor over to her.

"Connor!" she yelled.

"I'll meet you outside History at the end of the day." Connor whispers to me.

"Ok." I reply back, and with that, he walked over to the others, leaving me all alone.

I slowly walked into the big hall where in the distance, I saw my friends.

"Keira! Ella! Eddie! Joe!' I call from the other side. They all turn around and charge towards me, arms outstretched.

"Are you okay?" Eddie asks worriedly.

"I'm fine. Just need to get used to the new life, that's all." I smile to look like I am fine and brave, but really, deep down, I'm broken, cowardly and scared.

As I was heading to my form with Keira and Ella, my phone started ringing. I took it out of my bag and saw the caller ID: Mrs Jefferies. What does she want?

"Hello?" I answer the phone.

"Oh Peppa, darling. When you get home my dear, there are two visitors for you. They'd like to get to know you!" she squealed.

"Is that a good thing?" I ask unsurely. I'm not really sure how this whole thing works properly.

"Of course it is, sweetie! They might want to adopt you!"

I body froze. If I get adopted, I won't see my parents again. There is a chance of them coming back. I'll be in someone else's care, and they won't be able to look after me. I don't want to be adopted.

"I don't want to be adopted." I suddenly say to her.

"What? No, darling, I'm sure you will be when you see who it is!" and she hangs up.

When I see who it is? Are they some sort of celebrity then?

"As if." I mutter to myself before stepping into my form.

The rest of the day went pretty slowly because my mind was always on who those people could be. Why would I know who they were. Are they my actual parents, wanting to take me back? No, Mrs Jefferies would have said that.

I really hope whatever happens, that I am happy.

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