Chapter Nineteen

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Peppa's POV:

It was the weekend, and Joe and Caspar were coming down from London. Louise said she would also try and make it, but might not.

I was really excited to meet Joe and Caspar because I love their videos so much. I've been watching Joe for as long as I've been watching Zoe too!

I changed into my outfit for the day which was a Nirvana styled sweatshirt, some ripped skinny jeans and my favourite- limited edition- converse. I hadn't done my hair so I wore a plain back beanie and carried a denim styled backpack for my things.

As soon as the doorbell rang, I jumped up to answer it. I slowly peeped my head around the door to see the one and only Joe Sugg and Caspar Lee.

Joe's POV:

I rung the doorbell, really excited to meet my niece. I can't even believe that I hadn't met her when she had been living with Zalfie for a few months now.

The door slowly opened and my eyes met Peppa, her hair hidden behind a beanie. She was really pretty, minimal makeup and really cool clothes.

"Oh wow! Hi!" she smiles. We both smile back and give her a hug.

"How are you?" I ask.

"Good thanks, Uncle Joe!" she laughs and I laugh too. She greets Caspar and I head inside, setting my keys on the table in the hallway.

"Hi Joe!" Zoe gives me a hug.

"Hey, you alright?" she nods her head.

After about half an hour of lazying around, the doorbell goes again.

"Ooh! That must be Louise!" Peppa sprints to the front door.

"Do you like her?" Alfie asks.

"Of course!" I laugh. Why wouldn't I? "She's lovely!"

Just then, jolly Louise steps into the room with a swish of her hand "Aloha!" she jokes and we all greet her.

After hanging around a little bit, we decide to head out for some lunch.

"Where to?" Caspar wonders.

"Nando's?" Peppa asks hopefully.

"My niece and I have so much in common!" I drastically say as we all head off to Nando's.

It's crazy saying I have a niece, but amazing too. Plus, she's 10 years younger than me, so we will get on well.

We all order chicken and chips with refillable drinks. Chatting and laughing, we were suddenly interrupted by some viewers. I got ready to say hi, but they actually wanted to see Peppa.

"Urm, Peppa? Could we please have a picture?" they sweetly ask.

Peppa nods enthusiastically and takes a photo with them. After chatting with them, they leave and Peppa joins us.

"Yay!" we all cheer "You've had your first viewer encounter."

She blushes and laughs "and I only have two videos!" she giggles.

I've seen them both, one with Joey and a Primark haul video. They're both really great, for a 13 year old anyway.

Zoe's POV:

That night, once Peppa was in bed, I started talking to Alfie.

"It's Peppa's birthday in a few weeks." I say to him.

"Is it?" Alfie frowns "How old?"

"Thirteen." I sigh. Then I really will have a teenage daughter.

Peppa hasn't actually been moody or anything, but she's going to grow up so fast.

"What shall we do for it?" Alfie asks.

"I was thinking a huge party with ALL the YouTubers. Even the Americans and Australians. I think that would be amazing." I suggest.

Alfie widens his eyes "Yeah, we could hire a party place and invite her friends too. Oh, and then she could have a sleepover!"

"Great idea!" I agree "Lets make it a surprise though!"

It was a pretty boring and pointless chapter, but it was a filler and the next might be too x

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