Chapter Sixty-Three (The End)

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I stare at the screen with disbelief. Keira is kandco? My ex-best friend is kandco? The one who split up Zalfie, gave Zoe depression, made me move to London all alone, gave death threats? That was Keira? I mean, I knew Keira turned mean but I didn't think she would go to those extreames.

"I knew it." Alfie muttered as Mr Renolds turned the computer back.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"When we first picked you up from the children's home back in Devon, we went back to see Keira, didn't we?"

I nod, not knowing where this is going.

"When you went inside to say goodbye to Keira's family, Keira came over to me. She said 'you better watch out, because K is on the loose.' or something stupid like that. I was confused, so ignored it, but the first Kandco message I knew it." Alfie raised his eyebrows.

"Why didn't you tell us?" I argued.

"Because Keira was your best friend at the time, you wouldn't believe me in a million years."

"That's true." I laughed slightly.

All this time, I had been thinking kandco was some creepy old man trying to hurt us, but instead, it was an immature teenager trying to get over jealousy.

Well, jealousy is a disease bitch, get well soon.

"I think we should visit Keira." I suddenly blurt.

"You think? What about Zoe?" Alfie says as we thank Mr Renolds and leave his office.

"We can pick her up first and go now." I had a plan.

"Okay..." Alfie agreed unsurely as we walked to the station.

"Hang on." I stop outside the station suddenly

Alfie frowns as I take out my phone and tweet.

Saltandpeppa- guys, we need as many as we can of you to meet by London Victoria station NOW! Spread the word! x

Alfie gets the notification that I just tweeted and frowns.

"Peppa? What do you think you're doing? This is dangerous!" Alfie hisses.

"Alfie, please. They're not going to come with guns and knifes are they? They're basically family to us, and family helps each other." I explain.

Within seconds, I hear screams coming from every corner as girl after girl comes sprinting towards us.

After about ten minuets, over a hundred people were crowded around us.

"Guys, I need you to listen!" I boom over the excited crowd. "This is a serious matter why I have bought you here today." Immediately, they quieted down.

I step down from the fence I was standing on an whisper to Alfie. I point to the printing office in front of us and Alfie agrees, running over.

"I hope you've all bought money, because we're getting the train to Devon!" Everyone looks confused. "Everything will be explained on the train okay?" I laugh.

Until Alfie returns, I hopped down the the group of girls and start chatting to them. After another ten minuets, Alfie calls "I've got them!" And we all crowd into the staion, onto the next train.

I had text Zoe to wait at Brighton station for our train, and sure enough, she clambered on when we pulled in.

Luckily, the train was pretty empty so most people got a seat. I explained what we were going to do and why and everyone was really excited.

Keira's house was only a few minuet walk from the station, so with Alfie, Zoe and I at the front and a hundred girls at the back, we casually strolled down the road, getting funny looks but we didn't care.

Finally, we reached Keira's house. It looked exactly the same as it did a year and a half ago.

Alfie handed out the printed card to various people and we positioned ourselves outside her house like an army.

I walked up to her front door and rang them bell. Within a few seconds, she answered.

"Pep-" and then she looked behind me at the hundred people holding up huge signs with kandco messages printed all over them.

"Do you remember these?" I point to the messages.

"What? No, I don't know what you're talking about." She frowns.

Suddenly, Lily appears behind Keira.

"Oh and you're co are you?" I smile sarcastically.

They both frown. Just then, Zoe and Alfie held up the last sign, which was bigger than them all. It was the death threat message from this morning.

"You do realise, that that is illegal." I say.

"What?! No it's not." They both yell.

"Yes it is." A burly police man suddenly appears at the front door and they are both astounded.

"You know Keira, one person- two people," I nod at Lily as well, "Won't ever beat down hundreds." I point to the girls behind me. "You really need to give it a rest because, jealousy is a disease bitch, get well soon." I smile sweetly and we all leave in silence, leaving the police to take care of the cyber bullies.

"I am so proud of you Peppa." Zoe wraps her warm arms around me. "You did well, so well. In everything. Not just today, everything. I love you Peppa."

"I love you too Zoe." Alfie then joins in.

"I love both of you." He wraps his arms around both of us.

"We love you too." Zoe and I say in unison and we all walk down the street, with our huge family in front.

Sometimes in life, you've got to stand up for yourself. Whether it's against big or small, at least try, because the outcome can be amazing.

My story has been hard. So many twists and turns, ups and downs. But it's all been worth it, because I was adopted by the most amazing, gorgeous woman on the planet.

Because I, was Adopted By Zoella.


Guys, I'm not even joking right now, I'm crying. I don't even know where to start with this big thank you, because that's all I can say, THANK YOU.

Thank you for everything, from the comments, to the votes, to the ever lasting support. There's over 60 thousand of you, which is a stupid number to comprehend, and I still can't believe, me, Sophia, has got that amount of views (yes that is my name).

This had been the most amazing experience I've had so far, writing this book and getting the support from you guys.

I love you all soo much, and I really hoped you enjoyed reading about Peppas life.

If you would like a sequel, then let me know. if I get quite a few people saying yes, I'll start planning one.

This has been the best journey of my life, seeing this book grow and grown and welcoming new people into our little family.

Again, THANK YOU because I can't thank you enough.

I actually didn't expect this chapter to be the last, but it is.

If you've been around for a while, you'll know I actually finished the book at chapter 17, but everyone hated me for that, so I carried on and I'm so glad I did.

I love you A LOT, byee xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

The next chapters by the way are all a load of rubbish and me rabbiting on and going crazy...


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