Chapter Thirty-Three

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I had been living with Joe and Caspar for at least 5 months now. It had been so long and I had only spoken to Zoe once. She said she was getting better, but that was two months ago. Every day was the same, day after day. Get up, get ready, eat, watch TV, eat again, watch more TV and then go back to bed.

I'm not saying living with Joe and Caspar wasn't good or anything, it's just, well, it's just not the same as living with Zoe. The scent of the house, the noise of the birds outside, the decorations, and Zoe being there herself, happy and confident.

Everything has changed. The scent of the house was a musty smell of pizza and boy. The only noises were the streets of London, all the traffic and people. There were no decorations in Joe and Casper's flat. It was just plain walls. And as for the last point: Zoe wasn't here. She wasn't happy or confident.

All my friends back in Brighton all said they'd miss me loads. I feel so alone, I don't know anyone. I don't even know London either. I've never been here before. I'm not sure I like it either. It's so dirty and noisy. There's no fresh air; everyone smokes. Worst of all, everyone who walks down the street with you seems criminal, like they're going to pin you up against a wall and steal all your money. I hate it here.

I stumbled out of bed, realising it was nearly 12:00pm. It was valentines day, and to no ones surprise, I was all alone. I walked over to the kitchen and poured myself some cereal. Joe came up the stairs, fully dressed, stuffing his wallet and phone into his pockets.

"I'm going out, is that all right?" He opens the fridge and grabs an apple.

I nod my head and he pecks me quickly on the cheek before leaving the front door.

A few minuets later, Caspar appears, doing the same. Before I knew it, I was all alone in the flat.

I finished up my cereal and changed into my cow onsie. Picking up the controller, I flicked through the channels on TV before settling on Friends (a/n: omg, best show ever).

Within only a few minuets of watching Phoebe sing 'Smelly Cat' the doorbell rang. I looked through the peep hole like Joe told me to. I saw a boy, maybe a year older than me with red roses in his hand and wearing a crooked bow tie. His head was down so all you could see was his fluffy mouse hair. Who was this?

I opened the door and the boy looked up.

"Connor?" I gasped. He looked so good in his suit and tie.

He looks up shyly and smiles. "Hey."

"What are you doing here?" I gesture for him to come in.

"These are for you." He hands me the roses.

"Oh my goodness. They're beautiful. Thank you." I say, smelling the sweet red roses. "Why are you in a suit?"

"I'm taking you out!" Connor says.

"Where?" I ask.

"I'm not sure yet. Some sort of restaurant." He smiles again.

"You surprise me so much." I laugh quietly. "First living at the children's home, then the party, then living opposite me and now this?"

Connor laughs too. "I like spending time with you."

"Awh, ditto." I smile.

"Now go!" He points towards the stairs.

"Where?" I ask, baffled.

"To do whatever girls do to get ready for a valentines date!" He says in a proud tone.

I laugh and skip off to do whatever girls to do get ready for a valentines date.

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