Chapter Fourty-Eight

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~Day 13 of 20~

Just to let you know, this will be a very short update x
Maths dragged on and it was complete silence between most people all the way through. I'm pretty sure not everyone was happy to be back.

Finally, after learning that pie=3.14 and not an edible one either, we were dismissed.

"What did I tell you?" Alyssa hisses.

"It's not my fault I was sat there." I sigh.

"Give her a break Alyssa," Annika sticks up for me "you're not her parent."

"I know that! I just don't want Peppa to get hurt, that's all." Alyssa bites her bottom lip.

"I can fend for myself, you know." I tell her.

"Of course I know that." She smiles.

"Good." I nod.

"I'll try not to bug you anymore, but promise to be careful?" Alyssa links arms with me as we walk to music.

"I promise to be careful!" I laugh, happy we were okay again.

As we were lining up for music, I was playing 'Jelly Jump' when I got a notification of a text. I clicked on it, realising it was a number I didn't know.

The trap is set, all that's left is for you to step in it.

I suddenly felt really dizzy, hot and cold flushes hitting me like waves. What was this? What did it mean? Who was it?

The last thing I remember was the concerned face of Ashlyn asking me if I needed to sit down.

And then, there was blackness.
QOTD: favourite subject at school and why
AOTD: food tech because, well, obvs, FOOD plus I loooove cooking x

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