Chapter Sixty

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It felt good sitting at the table with both Zoe and Alfie next to me, chatting away like a happy family again. I didn't think it would ever happen!

"We need to tell the viewers what's going on I suppose." Alfie says, clearing away the breakfast things.

"Should we film one video and upload it onto each of our channels?" I suggest.

Zoe and Alfie agree and after breakfast we sit in the second living room and start filming.

"Hello everybody!" Zoe starts with a wave.

"What's up guys?" Alfie puts up his hands like he used to.

"Hi guys! It's Peppa!" I say next.

"We felt like we needed to update you all, because a lot has happened recently." Zoe tells the camera.

"You may have known, Zoe and I had a little fall out over a lot of different things that I won't go into detail about." Alfie explains.

"The good thing is though:" I wait for what we had planned.

"ZALFIE ARE BACK TOGETHER!" We all shout in unison, giving each other a big family hug.

"We worked out our differences and we're back on track." Zoe smiles.

We finish off the rest of the video before saying our goodbyes and shut off all the equipment. Alfie goes off to edit it while Zoe and I sit watching TV. We're just lazy like that!

"It feels so great to not have a single worry in the world anymore!" Zoe stretches her arms up, grinning happily.

I think hard about this, because, is it true?

"Zoe, I'm not sure that's 100% true." I awkwardly tell her.

"What do you mean?" She frowns.

"Those comments? You're still getting them. They're getting worse." I hated telling her this, but it was true. On her recent video, the top comment (again) was a horrid one; worse than ever.

Zoe grabs her laptop from next to her and goes to her recent video which was a haul. She scrolls down to the comments, and with no surprise at all, there it is, a mean comment from kandco.

Showing off never ends up in a good way. oh look I'm Zoe sugg and I have so much money. look what I bought today, I'm going to show you all! Bi**h, no one cares. No one ever will.

"Who does this person think they are?!" Zoe whispers in disbelief.

"I don't know, but we need to get to the bottom of this." I say.

You could tell this one comment has knocked Zoe's confidence for the rest of the day. She was quiet and slouchy, and when Gabby rung to see if we wanted to go shopping in the lanes, she said no! I won't let the person doing this get away with it, that's for sure!

OMG IM GETTING THE SIMS 3 PETS TOMORROW AND IM SO EXCITED! My guilty pleasure is the sims and pets is one expansion I haven't got yet. next I'm getting seasons. I have 4 atm, and I'm so obsessed with it!

AOTD: create me a family to play pets on. include woman, man, dog, cat and horse! Just their names and small description will be cool. You don't have to, it's just a little activity x ilysm

OMG TYSFM FOR 60K !!!!!!!!!! What even?

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