Chapter Fourty-Three

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~Day 8 of 20~


"Urgh." I moan as I hear my alarm beeping. "7am!"

After heaving myself out of bed and havingshower, I start to get ready into my horrid uniform. "Americans are so lucky!"  I say out loud, struggling with my tie.

"Why is that?" Zoe walks in with a mug of tea and places it on my bedside table.

"Because they can wear whatever they want!" I fling on my blazer, huffing.

Zoe chuckles a little. "Drink it up before it gets cold."

"Thank you." I reply, starting on my hair and makeup.

Once I was finished (and I had drunk my tea!) I trudge downstairs for breakfast. After finishing my fruit, I double check everything is in my bag and then set out the door, yelling goodbye to Zoe upstairs.

As I shut the front door and turned around, I saw Connor doing the exact same oppostit. I stared at the pavement while walking to the bus stop.

Normally Zoe would drop me off, but she has meetings a lot in the morning now so she cant.

I kept my head fixed on the pavement until I finally reached the stop. I couldn't make eye contact with him. I hadn't seen him since 'the incident'.

"Why are you ignoring me."

Oh shiz.

I look up to see Connor. He looked so handsome in his 6th form uniform, it gave me butterflies looking at him.

"I, I, I, I'm not." I stutter.

"You wouldn't look me in the eye." Connor frowns. "I've text you and called."

Okay, so this is true, but I didn't want to answer. I didn't want to seem rude, but I just couldn't.

"Things were difficult." I say.

"So difficult you couldn't even reply to 'hi, how are you?'" He sighs.

"Connor, please let me explain." I beg.

"Fine, explain." He folds his arms. You could tell he was really peed of at me.

"It's complicated. I was so embarrassed, I-" I start.

"Embarrassment means you can't speak to me for weeks? You were all I could think about for weeks, Peppa. But no, you think your glam celeb life is far more important. You really need to come back down to earth, because right now, you're way up in the sky." Connor shouts quietly and storms off, leaving me in a guilty mess in the middle of the street.



QOTD: who's your idol/inspiration and why?

AOTD: Zoe because she has helped me so much with my anxiety and stuff. She's so normal and gorgeous and...Just...QUEEN. ilhsfm. x

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