Chapter Fourty

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~Day 5 of 20~


I was super nervous. I really didn't want to sit and watch Alfie go out with another girl. It will hurt me seeing it, so I don't know about Zoe. I couldn't even eat properly. I felt so sick.

When the theme tune started, I grew even more worried. I don't want Zoe to get hurt.

Suddenly, without warning, I grabbed the controller off the coffee table and quickly turned over th channel to the news.

"Peppa!" Zoe tries to reach for controller but I stood up and held it in the air. "What are you doing?"

"Zoe, I don't want you to get hurt." I tell her.

"What do you mean?" She asks, confused.

"Alfie is on this programme. He's dating that girl that I saw at the resturant." I hated telling her this.

Zoe's face frowned and then gradually turned into a hurt look.

"Lets watch it anyway." She places her food next to her and invites me to cuddle on the sofa.

I happily join her as I change the channel back over.

Hi, my name is Alfie Deyes. I'm a YouTuber that has recently broken up with my girlfriend, Zoe Sugg, also known as Zoella.

I look up to see Alfie smiling. How could he be smiling saying that?

I see tears form in Zoe's eyes as the programme shows pictures or Zalfie with Alfie in the background saying Things just didn't work out.

Liar I think to myself. He should've explained that actually it was someone's stupid comments that tore them apart.

We then met the plastic. She was so fake and stuck up and, well, ugly.

They met in the centre of London and it was super awkward. It looked so wrong without Zoe and- wait. Are they going to the restaurant Connor and I went to? I hope not. I didn't see any cameras rhsrw, so I think not.

They walked in silence to the resturant.

Please let this be a different restaurant. Please. I silently pleaded in my head.

But it was.


QOTD: what's your favourite lush product?

AOTD: probably dragon's egg or Kissinger bath ballistics


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