Chapter Fifty-Seven

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I can't believe how far this book has come...50K?? I can't even comprehend that number...its crazy. I was on the train trying not to squeal when I found out, haha! If there's anything special you'd like me to do for 50k, leave a comment. THANK YOU SO MUCH I CANT EVEN ARGH.
Anyway, enjoy this chapter!

We drove to Bluewater (a.k.a the best place to shop!) and we were there in about 45 minuets. The drive was non stop talking, laughing and singing. I loved Gabby.

"So how's Nellie?" I ask.

"He's great, really adventurous now." Gabby smiles.

"Aww!" I coo. Nellie was the cutest kitten ever.

We decide to head to Victoria Secret first where we picked up three sprays for £26. They smelt amazing!

In Lush we both spent over £20 on random bath bombs that we didn't need but got anyway!

River Island had a sale on so I picked up a new school bag, two pairs of jeans, a jumpsuit and three slogan t-shirts.

We went into lots more shops, grabbing a Starbucks halfway. I'm pretty sure I spent over £150!

It was such a great day, I'm pretty sure it was what I needed. With all my stress, it really helped, especially being with Gabby.

"Thank you so much for taking me Gabs." I say as we climb into the car.

"That's okay Peps!" Gabby smiles back.

When we returned home, I saw an unfamiliar car parked outside our house. Slightly confused, I stepped out of the car and grabbed my shopping from the boot of the car.

"Bye Peppa!" Gabby waves.

"Bye Gabs. Thanks again!" I wave back and she drives off.

I go up to the door and open it up with my keys. I step into the warm house and hear a weird muffling sound from the living room.

Setting down my bags, I creep around the corner to see a very strange sight.

My eyes widened, my heart skipped a beat and my mouth opened wide.

Zoe and Alfie were on the sofa, kissing.

Hang on, wait no, snogging. Zoe was on top of Alfie, not acknowledging me at all.

"What?!" I finally shout. They both stopped and looked up. Both their faces went a pale, white colour.

They scrambled off the sofa and stood in front of me, straightening their clothes.

"What is this?" I gesture to them both.

"We- I, Peppa-" Alfie tries.

"No, I've had enough." I slam down my keys. "I'm tired of everything!"

With that, I ran out the door. I kept running down the street, round the corner, past parks, lakes and houses.

Finally, I slid down the back of a park gate and buried my head in my hands. I let out all those tears that had been locked up inside my body for ages.

Then I heard a voice I had been wanting to hear for a long time. "Peppa?"

QOTD: what are your plans for Easter break?
AOTD: I'm going caravanning (oh that reminds me, I will NOT be updating from Friday-Monday. Next update is Tuesday!). otherwise not much!

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