Chapter Twenty-Seven

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We arrived at a very posh looking hotel and spa. Hopping out of Louise's car, we hauled our luggage into the lobby.

"Room for three please." Louise asks the man at the desk. He peers over, studying Zoe and I. 

"Three single beds?" He frowns.

"Two doubles would be fine." Louise smiles at the stern looking man. 

He looks between Louise and Zoe a few times, then at me. He then goes "oh!" Like he finally realises something and then starts tapping way on his computer.

"No, we're not- err no." Zoe gestures between her and Louise.

I stifl a giggle as the man apoligises, handing us a room key. We all run off laughing at what the man thought. 

Our room number was 307 and inside was very nice. The walls were a pale beige with gorgeous mirrors and paintings. There were two double beds, both with rose petals scattered across and bedside tables sitting next to them

"This is lovely," I whisper, setting my bag down on one of the beds. Zoe sets hers down next to mine and Louise puts hers on the second bed. 

"I say we put on our swimming costumes and head to the spa!" Zoe grins. 

"Only if," Louise comprimises, "You tell us whats going on in that little brain of yours!" She pokes Zoes forehead gently. 

"Fine!" Zoe agrees, smiling. 

After changing into our costumes, we grabbed a towel and headed down to the swimming pool, all very excited. As we arrived, three very good looking men appeared and took our towels, leading us to a steamy room with a round swimming pool in it. Next to it was a hot tub that bubbled away like a witches cauldron. We all climbed in there first and the men offered us juices and champangue which we happily accepted.

"So, whats bothering you?" I ask Zoe.

"Well, a lot really." She tells us.

"We're here to listen." Louise says and Zoe nods bravely.

"Theres been some comments on videos from this same person, on every video saying how ugly I am and how terrible I am at what I do. Lots of people retaliate back, but she keeps going, every single time." Zoe lets a single tear drip down her face. "I never let hate bother me too much, but this has really got to me."

"Oh Zoe!" Louise gives her a big hug and I do too. "You are an amazing YouTuber; incredible. You are also the most gorgeous person I know." 

"You're much more than a few comments." I reasure her. "They obviously have nothing better to do. Plus, think of the ratio: 1 to 7 million! How crazy is that?" 

"I suppose, buts its got worse recently. The same person has been saying things about Alfie and my relationship, how we shouldn't be together and we clash really badly. Her comments are normally the most popular and even Alfie has seen it now. Hes angry too and we've been falling out over it." You could tell Zoe was getting more worked up by the second. "I just-" and with that, she starts breathing heavily.

I know straight away that its a panic attack; I suffer from them myself once in a while. Zoe places her champangue down and starts shaking.

Zoes POV:

I couldn't see anything, feel anything, hear anything. My stomach started craming and I felt really sick. My breathig grew worse and my head started pounding. I hate my panic attacks. 

"Zoe, we're here for you. We're not going anywhere." I hear Louise say.

"Do you need anything?" Peppa asks.

I shake my head weakily and let the attack slowly do what it needs to do. After a few more minuets, it had died down.

"I am so sorry." I whisper.

"No! Don't be sorry. Theres nothing to be sorry about." Peppa gives me a gentle hug.

"We need to find out whos writing these comments." Louise confirms. We both nod.

I'm really glad I opened up about all of this. I feel much better now. I'm just so glad I have such amazing friends and family.


Thanks for reading guys!

QOTD: Favourite food?


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