Chapter Twenty-Three

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A/N: do you guys like the outfits I use on the media bit for the chapters? I'm going to try and put one in each?

After my encounter with Keira yesterday, I felt quite proud of myself.

Once I got home, I decided to film a video. I had no idea what to do, so I asked Zoe for some ideas.

"What could I do for tonights video?" I ask her.

"What about a makeup routine." she suggests.

"My last video was a makeup routine." I reply.

"How about a Q&A?" She smiles.

"I want to do something I haven't done before." I tell her.

"A haul?" she says.

"I don't have anything to haul though." I sigh.

"Well, it's another great excuse for a shopping trip!" she laughs and drags me to the door to put on my shoes.

Today I wore a black and white striped tshirt, black jeans, black boots and a crochet floral backpack.

We set off in Zoe's mini-cooper to the shopping centre.

"What haul do you want to do? Beauty, home or fashion?" Zoe asks.

"I'm not too sure. Maybe a mix of everything? Just go shopping and haul everything!" I laugh.

"Sounds great!" Zoe pulls into the shopping centre car park.

The first shop we went to was Topshop, then Primark, New Look, and River Island. In each shop we bought quite a few bits.

Afterwards, we went into Superdrug and bought a ton of products including makeup, creams and frangrences. Mostly makeup though!

Lastly, we popped into Tiger and bought some bits for my bedroom and some cute things for the kitchen.

After a couple of hours, we headed home. "We still need to finish your bedroom." Zoe sighs.

For my birthday, it was painted white and wallpapered in a baby pink. We just need to decorate properly with shop-bought things now.

I set up my camera, lighting and then focused myself. Zoe helped me haul everything we bought so it was in a organised order.

Once I had gone through everything, I had nearly an hour of footage, including bloopers.

I set to work, editing my little heart away. I wanted this to be an extra amazing video.

Once I was happy with the video, I uploaded it to YouTube. Within a minuet of it being up, I had comments and views piling in.

I looked at them all, smiling at how sweet everyone was.

When the video was up, the doorbell rang. I ignored it, knowing Zoe or Alfie would answer. I went back to replying to as many people as I could, but was interrupted by Alfie calling up the stairs.

"Peppa! It's for you!"

I get up and head downstairs. No one was at the door. What? I look ahead at the house opposite and see someone waving at me from the doorway.

They were smiling and waving, standing in the house. They looked familiar. Wait, hang on.

"Connor?" I exclaim.

"Hi!" Connor calls back from the other side of the street.

"What are you doing?" I laugh.

"Waving." He replies.

I roll my eyes. "What are you doing over there?" I walk over to him.

"This," he gestures to the house, "is my new home."

"You got adopted?!" I squeal.

"Yup, and I happen to live opposite you." A huge smile creeps on his face.

"Oh my gosh!" I swing my arms around him. He hugs back, quietly laughing.

"I'll see you at school on Monday." he tells me.

"You're coming to my school too?" I raise my eyebrows.

He nods slowly and gives me another hug. This makes me so happy. It makes me realise that being with Connor isn't a fantasy after all...

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