Chapter Thirty-One

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The drive to Joe and Caspars house droaned on and on, it seemed like it was a never ending car journey. I mostly sat there, silent tears streaming down my face. I had cried a lot in the last 24hrs, but you're going to arn't you? Leaving your home town, your parents, your best friends...wait! What about Ashlyn, Alyssa and Annika?

I decided to group text them with everything that was going on:

Hey guys :(

im moving to London. :( Zoe and Alfie have split over some idiot commenting on YouTube vids, Alfie has moved away, Zoe has such bad depression she cant look after me so im moving in with Joe and Caspar. Im not sure when i'll be back, or whether I actaully will be back.

i love you all- Peps xxx

I sent the text with a big sigh, upset I had to tell them such bad news. I looked over at Joe who was focused on the road, his eyebrows furrowed listening to the faint radio babbling on. 

"Joe?" I pipe.

He snaps out of his little bubble and looks at me "Whats up?" 

"Whats going to happen? With everything." I'm so worried about my future.

"Well, Caspar and I will take care of you when Zoe is better." Joe answers.

"But what about Alfie? And when will Zoe get better? And what about school? What about YouTube? And the rest of the internet?" I went into panic mode, palms sweating, knees trembling. 

Oh please no. Anything but this, please. 

But I couldn't control it. My breathing grew worse, my stomach started cramping and my head started pounding. There's nothing worse than trying to hold back a panic attack in a awkward situation. 

I wasn't too close with Joe yet; he didn't know much about me and I didn't know much about him. I'm not sure he knows I suffer from anxiety too. 

Joe turns to me "Peppa? Peppa? Oh God, Peppa whats wrong?" He pulled over at a lay-by and unbuckled my seatbelt. 

He gives me water and stays by my side until it passes completly. "Thank you so much." I sigh in relief.

"No problem. I'm like an exspert when it comes to panic atacks. I've been in so many with Zoe." He chuckles and we carry on driving. 

Once we arrive in London, Joe shows me where I'll be sleeping. As there is no spare room, Caspar has kindly set me up a matress in the living room. It had specially bought purple sheets and blankets with fluffy pillows and even a little bear perched on top. Next to it was a low table with a charger on it and a clock. "I love it." I hug Caspar "Thank you."

"What about a takeaway Nandos for dinner?" Joe suggest.

"Definatly!" I agree and we sit down to watch TV.


sorry for the short update guys, i'm now going to watch Zoe on the Great British Bake Off (if its todays episode, but its my fave show anyways!) x

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